Because I remember it like it was yesterday.

Dec 03, 2009 15:42

Man, it really does feel like it was just yesterday. I guess I started thinking about if when I saw her facebook status and commented. Back in the day, hanging out in the GW chatroom with the whole crew. It was our own personal play-house away from the other worlds that inhabited the internet.

Yes, I'm talking about my chat RP days. Somewhere from 7th/8th grade to senior year of highschool, I RP'd in a series of chatrooms for nearly six-seven years of my life. And I don't regret it a single bit. In fact, every now and then I find myself missing those days, and the ridiculous adventures we all went on everyday.

I'm sure I've mentioned it here before, but my old alias, DragonSage Knuckles, was pretty much a second me. Fighting in wars, being betrayed. Perhaps my fondest memory was when I was stabbed in the back on a fateful December day, 'died', and washed ashore elsewhere. This elsewhere was actually another chatroom that I had recently found, and I had supposedly lost all my memories. I finally made a ridiculously melodramatic and overwrought return to the other chat a year later. A full, year, later. This was how serious we were when it came to RP'ing back in those days.

But I think I look back most fondly on when me, Kara, Liah and Turtle/Turlus/Wade would just shoot the shit in GW. I remember my first time in Sonic Fan Games (The origin of all of this, and the first of the chatrooms to disappear), and Kara and Liah being the first people I ever met. Kara being the weird funny type, and Liah being the straight man. I think after all these years, she was always the straight man and I was always the punch-line, be it for Kirst, Wade, Stephen. It's just how we were. After a point we really didn't go there to roleplay anymore as much as we just went to hang out and joke around. I remember my falling out with Kara on New Years day because of something stupid I did, and I remember Wade and Liah pretty much growing to hate each other due to Wade's closed mindedness, and Liah's....well, Liahness. But despite all of that bullshit, in the end they were very good friends to me.

I really don't care in retrospect that I didn't meet a few of them in real life, because looking at my LJ friend's list, my AIM, or even my facebook, these people still have a place in my life. Even if it's sporadic and random, I never really lost touch with any of these folks.

Which is why yesterday when I saw Liah post a status on facebook about people giving her their steam names to play MW2 together, I absentmindedly posted mine. She messaged me today for the first time in ages and while we only spoke for about 20 minutes, it was good. I felt like I needed it. A lot of things have happened in both our lives, and I think we were both privy to it via second hand sources. I obviously wouldn't have known the details, but she had moved from Canada to Ireland and a lot of shit had happened since then. She knew I had left for Japan but didn't know the details of it. It was nice to catch up, and looking back on things, I'm glad she always was the straight man. I think now more than ever I can really talk to her about this and that. Funny how things turn out.

Yeah, I dunno. I was randomly thinking about all of this when I was walking to the mailroom today and felt like spilling it out here. Feel free to ignore it all. XD.


nostalgia, rp, life

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