Because these images have me crying. Plus KH import review.

Feb 05, 2010 00:40

I've been playing too much Birth By Sleep in my spare time. And these two images sum up my experience with the game.

For a complete review of the import from yours truly, head here:

"I had lowered expectations for the game, considering the last three entries in the series were a bit on the weak side. Surprisingly however, the game comes through and not only fills me with a sense of nostalgia for the original, but intense satisfaction. Upon beating the main game, I found myself wanting to go back to the original Kingdom Hearts so I could have an alternate perspective on the whole story. As a prequel, Birth By Sleep succeeds. As a game, it not only meets the standards set by the games in the series, but surpasses them as well."

kingdom hearts, square enix, dorkery

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