housing woes for PWD nationwide continue

Dec 29, 2007 17:28

x-posted to no_pity

Late report for September 2007:

HUD Scandal:
This fall HUD fails to produce housing vouchers for disabled access. After testimony from around the nation (including mine via email) was presented in Chicago to HUD with their own promises to deliver fair and accessible housing to people stuck in nursing homes and other institutions, HUD came up scandalously empty-handed, citing budget cuts as the main reason for not producing what is our human right, accessible housing in our communities.
Report of HUD session:

MiCASSA update:
MiCASSA march held to push legislation for a national program to cover personal care attendants with medicaid. Now those those funds are used only to place people into nursing homes who need daily living assistance:
On the march:
For a report on follow up sessions in Congress: http://www.ncil.org/news/CCAActionHub.html#hearing

Contact ADAPT to get more involved: adapt@adapt.org.

housing, disability awareness, hud, accessibility

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