holiday fun?

Jan 04, 2011 01:30

My last couple of weeks included some much needed time off and...

Roof leaks - Ice dams nearly breaking off my roof

My best friend ever visiting with her daughter and our children having fun together. thank god because that would have been a nightmare if they hadnt clicked. whew!

Eating lots of food. Chipotle, chocolate, cookies, khans, pizza, chili, coffee, etc

Lots of driving...who knew this state had a town named cloquet? not me until last week.

climbing up in the air 4 stories on a mock up of a pirate ship. (might i mention heights terrify this was a special adrenaline rush. lol) riding some roller coasters. riding a zebra in a carousel. admiring the fantastical abilities of the jellyfish (might be my new inspiration/mascot)

oh and sleeping a lot! plus i broke my internet and generally failed to resolve any of the strange technical issues plaguing me at home. may have made more in fact. lol.

i read some books too, but i will post those separate in a review post.


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