reviews...sadly lacking

Oct 27, 2010 11:00

quick note...except for Luminescence by Arvanwolf I have been reading almost exclusively DWP universe stories. I got turned to the dark side by my writing group. The Twilight story above pairs up Victoria and Bella. I like the argument for why eating people is good for the environment. Does a great job of portraying the crafty side of Victoria. Unfortunately the writer is back in school so its been about 6 weeks since an update. But I am patient. Some of my favorites go months in between updates. Found on FFnet only as far as I know.

Caught up on the Terminator in the Roman/Greek past. Lost in the Past by Red Hope is on both LJ and FFnt. Wickedly cool story with a retelling of the trials of Heracles. I have really enjoyed this one a lot. The attention to historical details really puts a fantastic spin onto the whole story. Its not finished,and again I am patient.

There is also a pirate story with Guiding Light characters. I want to stress I am only reading because it involves pirates. I have never been a soaps fan so no clue who these people are in their original flavors. But the Hidden Treasure story is lots of fun to read. Posted on LJ by Calliopes_Muse and Geekgrrllurking.

Oh there are there are like 200+ other stories I could post, but I have to be up in 4 hours. People wonder why I feel vacations are for sleeping. Besides most of the other reviews are for DWP stories. lol. I have been posting direct stuff to the authors though so I am not a complete slacker. I am hoping my power stays on. 80 mph winds are only fun when flying.


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