Where to begin...I consume a lot in a month

Apr 16, 2010 04:22

Been reading a bit lately, but rugby and silly FB games have been intruding a bit. Plus I have a new story prepared for the first time in entirely too long. and no i dont want to think about how long it has been since I finished a story let a lone anything else. rugby has been a struggle since my daughter's schedule conflicts with practice, and while this isnt horrible I am simply awful at practicing anything resembling work on my own. I need outside forces to push me along. once i get going i am not interested in stopping, but terrible at going or finishing. i feel this is a complicated matter for me but nevertheless I am horrible. and rather unreliable. so making me equipment manager (el presidente - bossy too) volunteered me without asking. yes i did have the option to say no, but there is the pride factor. and that i do want to help. oh well onto the fanfiction. i digress. as usual.

First off I have been reading a bunch of unfinished stories recently. Terminator thrown into the past as a roman gladiator, Buffy planning to hook up Darla who has a kid (I am interested to see how the author plans to pull off that one honestly. Cool feats always impress.) A delightful Hollow story, and a steamy one with Chase. Of course a couple of Bellice stories thrown in for good measure. When they are finished or to a longer point then I will be happy to do a full mention. Oh and I am even reading a physical book. Shocking I know but gotta change it up to keep it real.

Alsike has been putting out some awesome Emma Frost/Emily Prentis stories. Just little steamy shorts, but there was also a chapter update to City on the River. I live in the city she placed the story so find the little details entertaining. Especially the snow chapter. I simply can not recommend this author enough.

Princess Alexandria has been touting a chapter a week in her Alice with OFC (Diana)story (Twilight universe). Fabulous. Author was even kind enough to give a heads up about vacation time. Detailed. Characters developed with good rhythm.

TJ is a fun story teller. Keeps the angst manageable and dashes in some humor. I have been reading this author's Voyager stories. Mostly shorts with a few longer ones mixed in for good measure. Happy Turbolift Day, Pon Far, In Vino Veritas, Knight Falls(Long one in an uber or AU with knights. reminds me of that movie where the peasant boy pretends to be a knight, only with women and hotter. and less dumb too. Plus I really like what the author did with Harry.), Airlock, Double Dog Dare. Highly recommended. Glad I stumbled on this work. P&P site (ralst.com)

King in Yellow is feeding my Kigo hunger. Found on old KP slash Haven site and on FF.net. Uses several words I had to look up. Impressive in the verbose. Best Enemies: Duex made me laugh a lot. Coffee shops have a whole new light. I am working through Cognitive Dissonance the second story in this authors large arc, but i find the emotional discussions somewhat stilted and awkward. but it may be boredom too. which is not to say the story is, just my attention span of late is rather poor. I like the new take on the unwillingness of either Kim or Shego to change drastically into either villain or hero for the other. Nice foray into a more realistic version of the grey between black and white. I would look for the author on FF.net though since the story arc is organized nicely for reading by the author.

That's all folks. Though to be sure there are stories I missed. I will post them if I find them. Peace out.


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