Title: “FOR GOD’S SAKE, SHIGE, I LOVE YOU!” (or 4 times Ryo tries to confess to Shige and one time he finally does)
jojibear of
celemei Fandom: JE - NEWS/K8
Pairing: NishiKato
Rating: G
Word Count: 1716
Note: For
ryoshige_thon because there are tonnes of us out there suffering from NishiKato deficiency D< [/pimp pimp pimp] Uh… So! In remedy [and to honour the promise between me and
ryoshige_otp ], here’s the first of my RyoShige-thon entries: prompt 40 “4 times Ryo tries to confess to Shige and one time he finally does”.
> I'm just suffering from Shige Deficiency < HA. I said I'd post here >D