
Apr 02, 2009 08:26

hola minna...
it's raining quite heavily here ryt now...
n im leaving to KL in a few hours..
what make it bad is that i barely sleep last nite...
dun know y..
my chest hurt and my eyes couldnt shut themselves off last nite..
luckily i will be driving with a company..
or else i might stop somewhere to sleep in case if i get soo sleepy...

its raining quite heavily here ryt now...
well the housemate who want to move out still didnt move out yet...
yesterday when i asked here she said nx week..
it's always nx week gurl..
but still u r there...
n she even refuse to pay the rent for this month..
she said she'll only paid by-day rent.. WTH
u think this is a hotel???

and for some reason my entry didnt show up in ur friends page..
already noticed this for a while...
dun know when it started n what the causes are..
previously its ok..
n being as buzy (read lazy) as i am it's imposible for me to troubleshoot what's going wrong..
thanks to my sis echiryo who's running such a free life happily spent her time in solving the problem..
thanks gurl...

here i come LOL

personal, random

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