ohisashiburi minna~~~
i'm back~~
it is not that i'm on hiatus...
rl has been way too busy with my work keep killing me little by little ^^
just came back from KL to meet my dearest fangurl..
we had a small celebration for shigemassu bday, but before that we went to play some bowling...
only 1 game tho but well we are making a lotsa noise there and enjoying ourselves..
so what more can i asked for??
happy belated bday to my lovely shige n news no buta aka massu <3
we will always support u and will be waiting for your good news ^^
after the little celebration we went to SA to join the Bon Odori Festival..
for those who didnt know Bon Odori Festival is a Japanese Buddhist observance honouring the spirits of ancestors, who return once a year to visit their families..
traditional dance is performed to entertain the spirits of the ancestors...
but for us Bon Odori means food hunting and also enjoying the dance and crowd ^^
this is my 2nd time to the festival n unlike last year this year i went there with more friends..
even tho the festival starts at 5pm but due to last year's experience we decided to went there earlier this year..
arrived there around 430 pm so this is how the area looks like..
and around 1 hour later...
this lil girl is a really enjoying her summer (even tho Malaysia is a humid-and-hot country)
she keeps hunting for bugs (ants and little grasshopper)..
and i must say that i was blown away into my own world while watching this girl..
cho kawaii~~~
didnt managed to really take photos coz my phone was out of battery even before the dance start~~~
what a bad luck..
i cant believe that i forgot to fully charge my phone before the event *sigh*
here are some more pics for those who are interested...
that's all~~~
see u guys again on next year's festival <3
and for those with whom i spend the day there thk u very much for the company~~
that's why i always love u gurls <3
pls wait for my 'return' to KL ^^