Today's Goals

Jul 18, 2010 13:43

People waiting on responses for me for any reason: I'll be getting back to you this afternoon / tonight. :)

It's been a crazy-busy week / weekend, but today I'm cleaning and catching up on internet stuffs. Here's my to-do list of the day!

- Dishes
- Laundry
- litter box
- Write moar
- catch up on emails and such
- cook some actual dinner
- give Kristen a check to drop by Time Warp for my comic file

Calisto would like to add "Play with Calisto a whole bunch" apparently, because the second I stop dragging her feather toy around she starts getting into things and yelling till I pay attention to her. XD;; Yeah, that's not gonna make cleaning hard at all.

And once I get my cleaning done, I will treat myself to going to the pool. It's freaking HOT out. x.x Even my apartment is warm and stuffy even tho my air is on all the way. Record-setting highs in Boulder lately. x.x

Now to get to work!


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