Feb 26, 2010 17:18
Since I have time to kill before work ends and I was looking at my old SPN icons...
Now, I'm not a Supernatural fan anymore. (Well, I AM, but only of the first 2 seasons.) Actually, I think I finally found a way to word WHY I don't like the current season, since people look at me like I'm insane when I bitch about TOO MUCH fanservice and shit. XP
I liked Supernatural initially because it was a metaphor for the American family and all the fucked up shit that goes along with that. I related SO heavily to Sam and Dean (well ok, mostly Dean) and their fucked up family. After season 2 it stopped being a metaphor or representing anything and simply became its own fanservicy thing. And that's where I lose interest. :\
I also LOOOOVED that it was based on AMERICAN mythology, on urban legends. And now it's based on the same boring crappy biblical stuff that's been done over and over. Get over your hard-on for Constantine, Kripke. If he could meet you he'd kick your sorry ass.
Anyway, that's not actually what I was gonna write about, but that was on my mind, too. XD
The real thing this is about is that creepy-ass THING the SPN fandom is doing tomorrow, O_o; Apparently thousands of fangirls all over the world are wearing black - because Jared is getting married. Yeah. Thousands of women are all going to sit around and mope ALL DAY, sending negative thoughts and energy at that poor man just because he's happy.
First off, talk about being a creeper. I mean, come ON, people. Can't you be HAPPY for him? O_o; Sure, I was jealous when I saw Gale's girlfriend at the play, but I was also HAPPY for him - they seemed so CUTE and HAPPY together! If he's happy, I'm happy! Besides, you know... it's not like if Jared wasn't marrying her ANY OF THESE FANS would have ANY chance in HELL. XD
Secondly, maybe I'm a big woo-woo pagan chick, but... I certainly wouldn't want thousands of people all concentrating at one time on how much they wanted my relationship to fail. If I had one lol. Talk about a massive wave of negative energy. D: I mean, maybe you guys think I'm silly, but think about it, would YOU want THOUSANDS of people focusing all at the same time on something you love in YOUR life FAILING? Even if you don't think it would have any real effect, wouldn't that creep you out?! Just seems really nasty, negative, and fucked up. Just sayin'.
PS: Actually, besides the "oh my god SPN is the fucking creepiest fandom ever" thoughts, I'm really amused. XD I can't wait to read all the BOO HOO JARED IS GETTING MARRIED posts. XD;; I'm mean.
PPS: Hehe my new House icons are hot. When do new eps air, btw guise?
tv: supernatural,