Weight loss, Dolls, and Dead Floyd Concert

Dec 20, 2009 13:51

Yesterday was totally fun, but very long and tiring. XD;;

Went to Weight Watchers. Lost 1.2 pounds last week. :D Hooray! Go me. Now let's see if xmas doesn't ruin that. XD;; Mom's agreed to cook our big traditional xmas feast which is awesome, since we haven't in years. x.x I'm excited. Oh god yes awesome food. Our recipes are from my great grandma on my mom's side, so they're all awesome southern recipes. SO TASTY.

Then there was a doll meet at jupiter_star's house! :D She's in town for the holidays, so she hosted a meet up. At first only a few people showed but by the end there was a good little crowd. OBLIGATORY PHOTOS UNDER THE CUT! There'll be more when more people post them, but here's what Sabrina took. :D

Jamie's boy Cayanne (wow I have no idea how you spell that, sorry D:) dressed up as Santa. XD He invited anyone to sit on his lap and get a picture, especially 'ladies over the age of consent'. XD;;

Max (right) with his boyfriend Sprocket (with the blue hair - Jamie's doll) wrapped up in the xmas gift Sprocket got Max, the scarf. :3 Cuuute.

Komachi chillin' like a villain.

Even Sephiroth was in the festive spirit! :D (Sephie belongs to another member of the club.)

Sabrina's boy Aria posing on a black shag doll-sized rug like a porn star. XD

All the dollies that came to the meet in front of the xmas tree! Note the littles sitting IN the tree. XD

Note Max and Sprocket on the left sie, Komachi standing in the middle in a new purple dress I got her at the meet, and Laveau way up in the tree. XD

Tinies in a tree! :D Lupe the chupacabra on the bottom left, Laveau at the top right. Jamie's little ferret on the bottom right.

Max and Sprocket cuddling next to Jamie's girl Crimson and Aria on the far right holding a cute little girl. ALSO NOTE MAX' NEW HAT. IT SAYS DUDE ON IT. I was so happy to find that at the meet. XD;; IT IS SO HIM. XD;;

So I spent about 4 hours at the doll meet. Then I had to go home, eat, change, and go meet up with Travis and Liz for her bday celebration! We went to The Fox (the awesome tiny local theater where I've been a million times and saw my first live concert - Moxy Fruvous - like 11 years ago. XD) We saw Dead Floyd.

The opening band (I forget the name hmm) was basically a 70s action movie background music band. That's what it sounded like to me, anyway. So... awesome! :D It was mostly instrumental. The lead guitarist was a really cute boy that seriously looked like 16. He could have been older but he LOOKED really young. They were cute and fun. XP

Then Dead Floyd came on. Travis is buddies with some of the guys at The Fox so he got us up in the balcony, where we hung out most of the time. We could see all the crazy people dancing below. Obviously at a concert based on psychadellic 60s concerts with mashups of Grateful Dead and Pink Floyd there's going to be some drug use. XD And ohhhh my goodness but there was.

There was this guy who was CLEARLY a huge hippy Boulderite based on his crazy clothes and long hair and glassy-eyed expression who stayed at the very front of the crowd and SPUN IN CIRCLES THE ENTIRE TIME. We named him Whirling Dervish man. He was in a world of his own. I don't know if he even knew anyone else was there. XD;; WHAT WAS HE ON? Probably a lot of acid. Maybe something else. Who knows. XD;; But he was clearly having a great time!

There was also Sweater Man, a huge guy with a giant beard wearing an ugly sweater. He danced like a maniac (a drunk, drugged up maniac) near the front, too. By the end of the concert this hot young girl was dancing with him, and they LEFT together. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HAPPENED. WHY DID SHE GO WITH HIM? Answer: maybe she was on whatever he was. XD;;

OH. And a gross old man hit on me. Seriously OLD. Like totally white hair old. D: WHYYYY. He was up in the balcony and he put his hand on my back and was like "You girls should be dancing!" and I was like "HAHA NO THANKS" and he was like "COMEON!" and ran downstairs. I didn't go. XD;; Then he came back and tried to hit on me AGAIN. So I traded places with Travis and Liz glared at him and he backed off. XD;; WHY DO ONLY GROSS OLD MEN AND LESBIANS LIKE ME. WHERE ARE THE CUTE BOYS?! *sob*

Anyway, it was a good evening all in all. Awesome concert, good fun. Only I didn't get into bed until like 3. x.x Slept until noon. Now I'm very happy I didn't have ANY plans today because I am so doing nothing but taking a hot bath with the awesome new Burts Bees bath salts I got, and watching TV all day. Need. Rest. x.x;;


Oh, and... thanks to a good fairy, I now have the ability to purchase my plane tickets and make car rental reservations and hotel reservations for the LA trip of epicness. :D Unless people tell me otherwise, I'm making reservations at some hotel within walking distance of the downtown Hollywood area, for convenience-sake. Is that a Bad Plan? Will I get mugged and shot? I won't be alone, Karyn will be there, so I'm not TOO worried, and I'm fairly city-savvy, I'm used to Denver and New York. But lemme know if anyone has suggestions on hotels. :3

concerts and theater, friends, weight watchers, dolls

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