Big post, lots of topics!

Aug 17, 2009 10:28

Lots of things to post about! Topics are bolded so people can read what they care about, if they actually do. XD;;

Tomorrow I start college. Oh god so scared. Not of the classes or the work, but of just finding my way around campus, and the bus schedule, and figuring out a new routine. Just like when I start a new job, my stomach is all sick and tense and my anxiety is really high. x.x Ugh. I know I'll be fine, and I know I'll figure my way around really easily, but that doesn't change the anxiety. XD;; I bet I barely sleep tonight. x.x;; Since I'll have barely any time for lunch between my classes I won't have time to go buy food - and that's more expensive anyway - so I'm going to start making bento again. :D YAY! I'm also excited that I won't have to dress nice every day anymore. Not that I really dress that nice for work, but... XD;; I can wear whatever I want to school! YAY!

Went to see Ponyo. X3 Everyone should go see it. The animation was so freaking cool. Because a lot of it takes place under water, there isn't much that's still - everything is constantly MOVING. As always I'm impressed by you, Miyazaki! It's a kids movie - rated G and obviously for like 5 year olds or even younger - but totally watchable for adults too. I laughed and squealed a lot. GO SEE IT.

Also got my comics! New volume of Fables is out... SQUEE. Can't wait for my lunch break so I can read it. X3 YAY. Bill Willingham - the author - is going to BE at Time Warp (local comic store) next month for the 25th anniversary of the store!!! I CANNOT FREAKING WAIT. Since I'm part of the TW family I told Wayne I am TOTALLY hanging out and going to dinner with them after since he always takes the big guests out for dinner after their appearances. CANNOT WAIT. I am going to fangirl him so hard.

The new full collection of Clover is out, too! Haven't read it yet, but it looks beautiful. Dark Horse always does a great job. The color pages are intact, it's not flipped anymore (reads right to left properly), it just looks great! There's a ton of color images in the back, too. My only concern is that since it's in ONE volume, it's really THICK - will the binding really hold up??? It looks sturdy enough but I always worry about that with soft covers. Anyway, I'm excited, becasue Clover is my favorite manga EVAR. X3 JUST SO VERY PRETTY. I want a tattoo of the mechanical blue birds. X3

As far as my fics go, I have the first chapter of "Only Time" almost done. I want to re-read it again, do some editing. Will post it later. Also am half done with the next chapter of "All's Fair." It's being more difficult, but I'll try to work on that, too.

And then of course, there is Randy-Con '09. I wasn't THERE, obviously, I can't afford to fly all the way to Berkshire to see Randypants in a play - nor would I, since it costs so damn much from Colorado - but I have heard tell many stories about how it went down. I just want to say... I'm really disappointed in you, QaF fans, although not shocked. If you were one of the people that were there and hoarded around him, screaming and flashing cameras in his face, grabbing at him... what the FUCK. It's common knowledge in the fandom that he's mildly agoraphobic and doesn't like crowds. Not just that, but it's just STUPID. Do you really think he'll EVER come out after a play like that again? He's going to go into hiding. And it's assholes like that that make Gale hate us all and avoid all situations where we could meet him. So on that note - since I will probably never get to meet Gale and that kills me - FUCK YOU, CRAZY FANGIRLS. Learn to fucking act like adults - since you ARE - most of you are MUCH older than ME. He's JUST RANDY. He isn't the fucking Beatles, he isn't ELVIS, he's not even Misha Collins. He's just Randy. He does plays all the time. He's easy to find and meet. He's a PERSON. Treat him with the same level of politeness you'd treat any other human being, and stop acting like he's some piece of meat. Not only all of that but HE'S GAY. Do you really think he wants a bunch of old socially awkward fangirls GRABBING him? Talk about a turnoff. It's people like you that make us all look like psychos. :\

Want to know how to approach a famous person? (Or should I say "famous" in Randy's place, I mean, he's only famous among theater geeks and QaF fans.) Treat them like a PERSON. Approach them calmly, wait your FUCKING TURN if there are lots of other fans. Tell them what you want to tell them - "I'm a big fan, thanks for being awesome" - quickly and politely without foaming at the mouth or screaming. Then you may ask "Can I have a picture / can you sign this for me please?" Offer the item to them, don't SHOVE IT. And for heavens sake don't TOUCH THEM. If they put an arm around you when you pose for the picture, then you can do that back. Otherwise, if you want to touch them ASK THEM IF IT IS OKAY TO HUG THEM. Seriously. I know that sounds weird, but just ASK. If they don't want to they'll SAY SO. I asked Hal and he was like =D YEAH!!! HUGS! Then POLITELY THANK THEM AGAIN, and go away. Let the other fans have their chance. Don't approach them again. Leave them be. Be happy for your moment and go somewhere ELSE to scream and squeal and fangirl.

Crazy fans make us all look bad. For every person who makes a celebrity uncomfortable, that's another star the other fans won't meet. As fans we should stick together and work together - we're FANGIRLS (and boys!) - we are a minority. Instead of fighting over the star and scaring them off, why not work together? Be happy that your fellow fans could meet them, and share your experiences. Stop making all fans look like psychotic socially awkward smelly ugly FREAKS. We aren't all that way. :( We don't want to be lumped in there with those of you that are. So cut it out. I've met people from fucking JAPAN that are bigger celebrities than Randy could ever HOPE to be. Hell, I met fucking CLAMP. (By 'met' I mean I was in the front row of their conference and they waved at me and I got to say some stuff in front of them and was in costume so I caught their eye.) I could have bum-rushed the stage screaming like a Randy fangirl, but I didn't. I squealed and cheered along with the other fans at the appropriate times - and otherwise was respectful. TRY IT NEXT TIME. Rant done.

NDK is next month! Wayne is cool and agreed that I could just help pack stuff up the day or two before the con, and work the dealers room on Friday. Some other girls are going to do Saturday and Sunday. :D I CANNOT WAIT FOR THE CON HOLY SHIT. AUGH. Who else is excited?!?!?! BTW me and Sabrina's Gender and Sexuality Panel will be on Saturday afternoon. Please show up! :D I think we'll have a big turnout but it'd be nice to have some familiar faces in the crowd. XD;; We got a 2 hour timeblock but you can just come for part if you want. :3 EXCITED. I better like... start writing up stuff and making notes. XD;;

I am doing Meatless Mondays! As of today, I'm goign to try out 'Meatless Mondays'. I'll never be a vegetarian, but I really don't actually eat that much meat anyway. So I'm going to try this out. :D Mom and Mari agreed to try with me. Go to the page to check it out! Hal Sparks is actually the one that mentioned it in his twitter and turned me on to it. The basic idea, however, is that even just not eating meat one day a week is great for your body, AND for the environment! There's tons of great recipes on there, too! :D I'm sure different people do it on different levels, but we're going to do just no meat - including fish - but ok on eggs and milk and such. Click here to see the reasons going meatless once a week can be good for you!

I guess that's all the big stuff for now. Karyn is still at Randy-Con (what I'm calling this qaf fandom get-together at Stockbridge XD) until Wednesday so I AM VERY BORED AT WORK TODAY. I miss my RP buddy. D: Wah. Work goes so much slower when you aren't RPing or talking about fandom all day. XP;; BAH. Back to work. UNTIL LUNCH BREAK! Then I eat my meatless meal and read comics. XD

edumacation, wank, conventions and cosplay, fandomshite, movies, rants, tv: anime, food and cooking, comics

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