Creation Con Salute to Supernatural AKA Mishacon '09

Mar 10, 2009 16:02

I'm baaaaaaaaack!

I really don't know where to start and there's honestly just TOO MUCH TO EVEN SAY. So I'm going to cheat and link to other people's posts and crap to make things easier on myself. Sorry this whole post is going to be really long and incoherent and babbling. But there is some HILARIOUS shit here, so hang in there.

ALL of the guests were SO FRIENDLY and sweet! And unlike Queer as Folk, where most of the actors are known to be standoffish and unfriendly or at best, unreachable (except for Scott, who I hear is the sweetest guy ever), and how they either avoid their fans or don't like them or are scared of them... EVERY GUEST THERE was SO NICE. They were totally down to earth and friendly and sweet. Even when I met Hal Sparks, and he was a very nice guy, he wasn't as attentive and open and friendly as these guys were.

And as for the other fans, EVERYONE was SO FRIENDLY and I made some new friends! X3 I really have missed that BOND, since my main fandom has been Queer as Folk and it is majoritively an unfriendly, cliquey, cold fandom full of people who aren't geeks. We showed up at the hotel and immediately made friends wtih total strangers. I walked past people making a pinching gesture with their hands and saying CLASP CLASP and I was like OMG CLASP CLASP and they knew I was a Mishaland person, too, and they welcomed us with open arms. There was NO WANK. There was NO SNOBBY PEOPLE BRAGGING, even though some of them had met Jared and Jensen themselves multiple times, VERY unlike the Queer as Folk fandom. XD Instead, EVERYONE WAS SO NICE and FRIENDLY and cool!!!! I really really really wanna thank all of you who were so nice and welcoming. I had forgotten what it was like to be in a REAL fandom, where everyone accepts each other and is SO NICE. PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU WERE ONE OF THE PEOPLE I MET! And remind me who you were because I'm terrible with names. XD I'll friend you back! I gave my LJ name to a few people so please let me know and friend me! :D

Click here to see videos of a lot of the panels THEY ARE SO WORTH WATCHING. There is some hilarious shit there.
Here's a lot of other videos and fan reports
Here's a great fan report

Before I go into anything else, I think everyone should know that I KISSED MISHA ON THE CHEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We had tickets to get photos with him, so we were in line and I was SO NERVOUS. When it was my turn and he LOOKED at me I felt like I couldn't BREATHE. UGH he's so fucking HOT. His eyes are like... INTENSE. So he smiled at me and said "I like your skull." and for a second I was like WHAT THE FUCK MY SKULL WHAT IS HE TALKING ABOUT MY HEAD HE LIKES MY HEAD?!?!?!?!?! and then remembered I was wearing this t-shirt with a pink sparkly skull and crossbones with a tiara on it on my shirt.

So I was just like UH HUH. And the picture was taken and I wasn't even sure if I was smiling because HIS ARM WAS AROUND ME AND I COULDN'T EVEN THINK. So the flash goes off and I'm sort of expected to go, they have a HUGE line to go through so they're kind of trying to hurry everyone. But I just HAD TO DO THIS.

So I turned to face him and he smiled and I said in this really high pitched squeaky voice CANIKISSYOURCHEEK?! and I know my face was BRIGHT RED. So he ducks down to my height and cocks his head and LOOKS at me for a second while he translated that in his head to something coherent. Then he did this little Castiel-like nod, with this really amused / confused look and said ".....sure." I don't know what happened then, I guess he turned his head so I could, but ALL I REMEMBER is how his cheek looked, and then that HIS SKIN IS SO SOFT AND HE HAD THIS REALLY SHORT STUBBLE THAT WAS SHARP TO MY LIPS AND OH FUCKING GOD HE SMELLED SO GOOD with just the faintest scent of cucumbery aftershave or something, and just MAN-smell, you know? Like he just smelled like a guy, but like a REALLY FUCKING SEXY guy. Then I squeaked and RAN out of the room. The camera man laughed at me. D: I went out into the hall and had to lean against the wall and just BREATHE because my heart was racing so hard and pounding so hard in my chest I thought I might DIE.

OH OH and Karyn and I got a picture of us with Gabe, too!!! HE'S SO FUCKING ADORABLE AND HOT. He's like only my height but OH GOD I want a piece of that, fo' sho'. And he's SOOOOOOO CUTE and dorky and friendly!!!!!

THEN there were panels.
  • Chad Lindberg answering the "what character do you wish Ash hooked up with" and agreeing with the audience and saying Dean and then doing his Jensen impression "Oh, Ash, Sammy will never understand, let me run my fingers through your mullet"
  • Gabriel Tigerman (Andy) talking about how he wished he could have kept Andy's awesome van, and velvet tiger painting, and bong
  • Gabriel Tigerman giving his hilarious story about his man-crush on Michael C. Hall and about meeting him and embarrassing himself horribly because he was taking out his invisiline braces (they were at a diner) and Michael C. Hall walked over right when he did it and had spit hanging out of his mouth
  • Gabriel Tigerman talking answering the "what do you want Andy to come back as? Angel? Demon? Ghost?" with "Dean's shoulder angel!" and saying it wouldn't be very productive since all he'd tell Dean to do is smoke weed.
  • Richard Speight (Trickster) being HILARIOUS in general, I laughed my ASS off, he's amazing - and telling a story about the time he went in Jared's trailer by accident and his huge dogs terrified him
  • Charles Malik Whifield (He goes by Malik - the YuGiOh fan in me squee'd - he played Agent Henriksen) giving his WTF RANDOM SPEECH about life, and positive thinking, and "limitations" and how there ARE NO LIMITATIONS IN LIFE and IF YOU TRY HARD YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING and having everyone do a breathing exersize WTF
  • Charles Malik Whifield talking about Jensen giving him a swirlie and being totally pouty about it
  • Todd Stashwick (Shapeshifter from Monster Movie) doing his Dracula impression and being in general just HILARIOUS and talking about working with Eddie Izzard and mentioning working on Angel and Buffy - "I resurrected Darla!"
  • Traci Dinwiddie (hot psychic from season 4 haha) talking about how sexy and firm Jared's ass was to grab, and being SO ADORABLE!!!!
  • Jim Beaver coming on stage and saying how he was exhausted from flying in, and how he "isn't stoned enough for this". IS EVERYONE ON THE CAST A STONER?!?!? OR IS IT JUST CHAD, GABE, AND JIM?!
  • Jim Beaver (Bobby) just being fucking ADORABLE - oh god HE IS BOBBY that isn't an act - and being soooooo adorable when the little kid fans asked him questions
  • Jim Beaver answering MY question about "What do you think Bobby and Papa Winchester's relationship was like before, and what do you think Bobby thinks of how the boys were raised" with "That's going to be covered a little in an upcoming episode - but let's just say he didn't agree with John" hahahahaha
  • Question "What do you think Castiel wants to happen to Sam and Dean" or something like that - his answer was he wanted THE THREE OF THEM TO END UP IN A NICE LITTLE COTTAGE IN THE COUNTRY and when a fan was like "but not together?" he said YOU DON'T KNOW HOW CASTIEL THINKS. !!!!!!!!!!! CANON OT3!!!!!!!!
  • His embarrassed adorable giggle when asked about his "flexibility" because of nis Nip Tuck moment
  • The way he talked about working on Karla as if it's a normal movie and saying how he can't seperate himself from whatever character he's playing so the whole time HE DREAMT ABOUT BEING THE GUY FROM THAT MOVIE EVERY NIGHT AND HAD TROUBLE SEPARATING HIMSELF FROM HIM WHAAAAAAAAAAAT RAPIST MISHA!!!!!!!!!
  • His RANDOM little tidbits of info on his childhood and how his mom was a TRAVELING ACTRESS?!?!?!?! and they were poor and sometimes HOMELESS and therefore he had a NON-TRADITIONAL (?!?!) childhood and HE'S BEEN SHOT so when they filmed Castiel's first appearance it was kind of scary for him
  • Karyn asked him to say his like "You should show me... some respect".... HERE IS A CLIP OF IT UNGH SO HOT!!! He REALLY didn't want to say it, he was like "I won't do it right" but she played the "my birthday is on the 20th" card and the audience whined, so he did it... XD

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  • And then I asked MY question... how long is it going to be until Castiel just slaps Dean? Because Castiel exepected RESPECT, damnit, and Dean isn't giving him any... CHECK OUT THE VIDEO ahahahaha thank you random youtube person! LOOK HOW FLUSTERED I MADE HIM oh god he has the cutest smile ever squeeeeee!!!

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    I don't have my picture with Misha scanned yet, so I'll post it when I do. Until then...

    That's me and Karyn with Gabe!!!! X3 HE IS SO CUTE and oh god look how stoned he looks ahahahahahaha! XD

    And here I am with one of the people that cosplayed for the costume contest... DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAN!!!!!!!!!!!! That poor boy... fangirls were all over him. Er, wait... he probably LIKED it. He seemed really nervous, though. XD Hahaha...

    Check outinner_justin's LJ for more pictures. I didn't wanna repost and copy everything she posted since most of you friended her, too. XD

    I guess that's about it, for now. I'll make another post about the rest of my trip later, and Watchmen, and all that crap. And I'll probably remember some other hilarious shit I should post, too. But for now... yep. XD There you go.

    TELL ME IF YOU FRIEND ME, PEOPLE FROM CON!!!!!! =D Now I just have to hope I can go to next year's. X3

tv: supernatural, fap fap fap, conventions and cosplay

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