Sep 11, 2008 09:59

Oh. My. God. My body hurts. ALL OVER. Auuuuuugh... *headdesk*

I worked my  normal 9:30-6 yesterday, them went immediately to Time Warp. I ate dinner there, and then worked until midnight. Oh god. x.x;;; Packing boxes and carrying heavy shit and all in all doing really physical hard stuff for almost six hours? NOT FUN. ;___; I'm so TIRED. EVERYTHING HURTS. AAAAAAAAUGH. ;_____;

HOWEVER. I had to get up and get my shit together because TONIGHT I GET TO MEET HAL SPARKS!!! It's his show in Denver, which is so fucking cool!!! I can't wait!!! I'm totally gonna accost him and take pictures and get him to sign my QaF box for my complete DVD set. X3 Squeeeeeeeeee!

And tomorrow is the con. Fuck. I can't believe it's already the con. x.x How did it sneak up on me?!

Today I still have to:
- Call the hotel and find out about check-in times
- Find out when Wayne can take the shit down tonight (early setup for dealers)
- Finish writing up my shit for my panel

I think that's it... crap. Was there anything else? x.x Hopefully not. Why is it that cons always come up suddenly, no matter how much you try to plan ahead, it never works out? I don't know anyone who's ready for the con. XD It's always a mad rush at the last minute.

Tonight, Hal. Tomorrow, get to Time Warp by 10, get some groceries, and go to the con!!! Check in to the room, set up the table in the dealer's room, and brace ourselves for the mad dash of insanity and thousands of fans rushing us.


concerts and theater, conventions and cosplay

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