Shit, guys, I really suck at this whole Livejournal thing lately. I haven't really posted regularly all summer. This is partly due to business and partly due to not having my own computer for months. HOWEVER both of those things are fixed! Huzzah! Let's get updated on the life of the Lavie.
First my brother was in town for a week. We basically just hung out the whole time, ate out a lot, and chilled. Oh, and we went to the pool a TON. The weather was hot and perfect for swimming. (Whereas like, today... it rained all day and was cold. WTF COLORADO.)
Then Karyn (
nyrak20) came to visit me because she's AWESOME. We watched our favorite QaF episodes (and least favorite... 513... FUUUUCK it still hurts me.) We also watched Dr Horrible (because yeah, awesome) and I showed her the whole Gravitation anime (her first anime, aww, I'm so proud.) We had Pearl Street adventures and she got a tattoo and we ate delicious food at the tea house and all in all did all my favorite shit. XD We also wrote a fic for the author orgy challenge. You guys are going to fucking love it. OH OH and we saw Dark Knight!
I've seen Dark Knight 5 times now, btw. >_>
OH. And June is AWESOME because she went to Comike and got me doujinshi!!! YOU ROCK DUDE. D: LUFF!!!
Tomorrow Mari and I are going to have awesome sister bonding time by going to Time Warp (yay comics are so cool) and then going to see Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 and Tropic Thunder. :D We're so cool. You wish you were as cool as I am.
On Friday I'm going to a gay club in Denver with Jamie and Soren. Gahahahaha... fuck. That's gonna be either realy awesome or really sad. We'll see. XD I have to get something to wear though, since currently I've lost enough weight that my pants don't really fit anyway, and I have no club-appropriate tops.
Saturday is going to be a doll meet! :D Yay Max~! *pets him* Hurray. I love dollies. X3
I really have been up to more than this but... honestly... I don't remember. I just know I've been insanely busy and tired all the time. x.x
Now I just have to make my whole costume for Nan Desu Kan in a month. Haha... >_> Jamie started the cape today so it is officially started. Phew... hopefully it goes as planned. XD;;