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Jan 10, 2006 21:05

I keep meaning to make a huge post detailing my trip to the north, but then I get all depressed when I realize that it really is over with. Sigh. I had such an awesome time, and now next Monday it's back to the routine schedule of work and school.

First part of trip, Thursday - Sunday, Nobi & I in Wisconsin:
It was really wonderful to have some quality time together, I really enjoyed every moment. I can't really put into words how special this time was to me, so I think I'll just say that I'll always remember every moment. I really hope I can afford to go back in the spring or summer.

Second part of trip, Sunday - Wednesday, Nobi, Izu, Pyo & I in Wisconsin:
Uwua! Mario Kart ahoy! XD Seriously, you put four video game and anime nerds in one apartment and we go nuts. We had a wonderful time of playing games, eating sushi, and hitting up all the uberly awesome used video game stores. We also went to go see Memoires of a Geisha, which was fantastic. We left late Wednesday night, which led to a 16 hour greyhound trip of TERROR. Greyhound is evil. So is Chicago.

Third part of trip, REO (and etc) at OhayoCon, in Ohio:
I shacked up at Maq's house along with Tabby, Jace, Terra, Izu, and Pyo. This segment started off kind of shakey when Greyhound decided to loose my luggage for about 12 hours. I finally retrieved my bag about an hour before the con started on Friday. Thursday night though, we all went to Magic Mountain and geeked it up at the arcade. I embarrassed myself at DDR then got my ass kicked at Air Hockey and I LOVED IT. I absolutely heart arcades, I hadn't been to one in years.

OhayoCon was an absolute blast, and one of the best cons I've attended yet. Think of it as a very laid back Otakon! The dealers room was the real treat, where I actually found imported mangas and video games. Wee! I cosplayed as Enzan all weekend, to escort Tabbies as Blues. We went to a roast centered our all-time favourite guy, Scott McNeil on Saturday night. I would really like to go to OhayoCon again next year.

Ahhh....I'd write more details but I can't think straight anymore. I have nearly 200 pictures to share though, which I will sort and upload soon. Yays and stchuff. Zuh...
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