Plans, plans, and perhaps a tentative schedule

Jul 05, 2008 10:05

Otakon it is!

Well, my last con in America. I've made some plans and I still have some requests up in the air. Although I said "tentative schedule, that's actually bullshit. Tee hee!! =^-^=

Personal Plans: 
Dark Malik - Yugioh
Li Xinge/Shinku or whatever - Code Geass
Iori - King of Fighters (because I can!!!! XD)
Minamoto - The world ends with you (<---most likely to fall through)
Hijitaka - Gintama (<---mmmm....second most likely.)
Kilik - Soul Calibur IV (yes....yes I went there....MUWAHAHA)

Requests to others:
Z_officinale - PLEASE BE MY "light" MALIK <3<3<3 *selfcest =YES*
rukawagf - please do lelouch~oo :3
strife_cosplay - how do you feel about Soul Calibur IV?
yesod  - Join me in video game cosplay madness. The way only you can. XD (are you up for KOF or SC4? let me know your plans)

Requests from others:
Baiken - Guilty Gear = Yes...I'm going to make two (alternate outfits).....
Jasdero -  D-Gray Man = Yes. Already done.
K' - King of Fighters = Mayyyybe~~~!
Vanessa - King of Fighters = Yes. Prolly as a Sunday item.
Tiki - D-Gray Man = Uhhh I think the person who asked is not going to come to this con...unless....unless she's some kind of super ultra hardcore con-goer....??? are you???

Plans for private shoot (i.e. NOT AT CON). If you want to join the shoot, or want a private shoot done by me, just let me know.
Ewan - Chocolat
Sailor Neptune - Sailor Moon Super S me thinks
Toshiya - Dir en Grey (cuz I just can't stop!!)
Shinya - Dir en Grey (cuz I have the outif)
Ignis - Will O' Wisp
Dante  - Devil May Cry 2
Hijikata - Gintama (because like i said it will prolly not make it to con...although i have hopes and dreams)
20YL Lambo - like you don't know XD

Secretly, I wanted to do ABBA from Guilty Gear Isuka. But that's just shear madness. Madness!! XD my butt is not cute enough for it. lolz. Also, I decided against doing hilde from Outlaw Star >_< SORRIES, amande_san ;_; ooh, unless you want me to be Fred XD (seriously! totally can do!)

Uhhhhh that's it I suppose. As I cancel things or add things, I will have a more coherent schedule to post....
Thanks for reading.

costumes, otakon, cosplay

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