OH, FUCK ME: An entry littered with these --> X_X can't be good.

Dec 28, 2007 11:35

First, a VERY special and VERY belated happy birthday to
tokiyoh!!!!!! Ya-ho!!!! めでたしめでたし!!!:D 
Ummm, you already draw so I guess it would be pointless to take a drawing request from you??!! @_@ you draw better than me anyway lol

I HOPE YOUR DAY WAS MAGICAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ★★★★★!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LACIGAM SAW YAD RUOY EPOH I


FUCK ME!!! Do you know what I'm going to be doing for New Years!?!? I'm going to be sewing my fucking costumes for fucking Ohayocon that's what!!!! Son of a bitch!! Why didn't I think of this before?? @_@ And I'm doing a lot of costumes so, yeah, that's just gonna be....fucking....grand... X_X

vikki and I were on the phone last night and it was like

"oh yeah, Ohayocon is in 8 days! Have you started your costumes?"

then it was like

*dead silence*



But seriously, we are in quite the pile o' shit. Pretty much the only thing that's arrived is uhhhh....my contacts?? X_X It's going to be "fun" to scramble for everything. But for some strange reason I'm not dead broke after Christmas so I think I might survive????? @_@

For the convention I planned on doing:
1. 25 Yr. Lambo - Reborn
2. Chrome Dukuro - Reborn
3. Dino Cavallone - Reborn
4. Jasdero - D. Gray Man
5. Sailor Neptune - Sailormoon (that's right, I'm going old school, bi@tches!)
6. Helena - DOA 3
7. Baiken - Guilty Gear Isuka Version
8. Rain - G Gundam
9. Rider - Fate/Stay Night

BUT um....*HA*....now that I only have 8 days and $200 dollars in my bank account, this list will be happily truncated to
1. Sailor Neptune
2. Helena
3. Jasdero
4. Baiken
5. 25Y Lambo
6. Chrome
7. Rider

Lol, okay so I only cut out two persons. B-B-But...That helps a lot.... ;_; I'm not going to completely revamp 25YL until Katsudon, so I can wing it until then. In addition, this will prolly be my last Jasdero appearance, unless I find a Debitt for Katsu (since my former Debitt is actually Allen X_X). IF NOT, I'm going to totally cut my Jasdero wig for Shinya (Dir en Grey) cosplay X_X

GAWD. The hardest costumes of that list are gonna definitely be 
Sailor Neptune - because I'm totally gonna shed 7 more pounds in the next 8 days. @_@ *looking forward to starvation*
Helena - Because I'll have to improvise complicated embroidery on the inside of her dress
Baiken - because um...i haven't looked at the picture yet.
and Jasdero, just because I'll prolly have to endure immense amounts of pain to the face... X_X

In short, wish me luck hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha *collapse, drool....*

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