[WARNING: intelligent design is the stupidest thing to come out of “Conservative America”©. If you are a bible thumper and still, despite the volumes of scientific study that says otherwise, believe that humans and evolution in general is false; please stop reading. Anything I say will fall on ignorant ears anyway, so just save yourself the trouble.]
[Prelude: Unless otherwise noted, all philosophy and connections here are mine, and to the best of my knowledge, has not been connected before in the history of the world. If I am wrong, then I am glad that someone else thought like I do.]
I cannot keep this inside any longer, so here we go. This is a quick lesson in my new train of thought, called Objectarianism. See? I just had to add that word to my dictionary. There will never be a full discussion about the entire meaning of Objectarianism because I am still working on it and understanding the roots behind the connections I make, in an attempt to fully understand the meanings of what I'm saying. Because I was just in the gym for a few hours and my body hurts, and because it goes along with something I have previously touched upon, I am going to talk about one of the fundamental aspects of Objectarianism - the human body.
First, before any serious discussion about Objectarianism can take place, one must first be at least somewhat familiar with Objectivism. My philosophy relies heavily on Objectivism, but it is not solely based off of Ayn Rand’s philosophy.
“Objectivism is a philosophical system developed by Russian-born American philosopher and author Ayn Rand. It encompasses metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, politics, and aesthetics. Objectivism holds that there is a mind-independent reality, that individuals are in contact with this reality through sensory perception, that they gain knowledge by processing the data of perception using reason or "non-contradictory identification," that the proper moral purpose of one's life is the pursuit of one's own happiness, and that the only social system consistent with such a morality is laissez-faire capitalism.”
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Objectivist_philosophy Ayn Rand contends that the greatest thing a human being can do in this world is create with nothing more than the human intellect. There is no set definition on what is considered “good” creation vs. “bad” creation. Both dolphins and monkeys have been shown to possess near human ability at learning and reasoning, but lack the ability to evolve into a form that can even begin to compare with the power of the human intellect. What separates us? I am not a zoologist, nor an expert on ancient animal behavioral patters, but I think I can say with high certainty that in our pre-historic days the difference in brains between dolphins and Homo sapiens was minimal at best.
If we were once on equal grounds with dolphins, how did our species evolve into such fantastic a creation? The reason is quite simple. Somewhere along the lines our bodies became the vessels for something that no dolphin can ever dream of having the ability to do: create. We figured out a long time ago that our claws could be used to manipulate all that we can see. Soon, tools were developed to give us the advantage over the animals, and to make humans’ lives easier. Dominance ensured and eventually the Homo sapiens owned this rock in space.
Before I take it a step further I must reiterate the underlying understanding of reality as a whole. It is from here where I take Ayn Rand’s objectivism and make it my own. Buddhism states that to truly understand anything beyond what we can perceive we would need to excel beyond the normal thought process of a human being. However, once this ability has been actualized, the actualizer no longer cares to peruse such a thought process. Zen Buddhism stresses the fact that answers to such questions are beyond the scope of human ability, and to concentrate on them is futile energy misspent, which could be guided towards the advancement of the natural thought process in an attempt to reach enlightenment.
It is my understanding that no matter how much religion is forced down a human’s throat, he will almost always act in a way that is self-preserving. It is easier for me to not waste time trying to focus on such things that cannot be answered. I am a man of much faith, but no practice. I put faith in those things which seem rational to me, and Jesus being the son of God is not one of them.
During the time of discovery, when humans learned to manipulate reality into ways that gave them the advantage, the idea of creation came into being. The earth had never before experienced creation. Every atom in our bodies has already existed in an infinite amount of time, but that is another essay. Therefore, I believe that the single greatest thing a human being can do is to create, furthering our dominance over a reality we have already taken for our own a long time ago.
Unfortunately we do not live in a world that allows for such a pure pursuit of that which is the greatest thing a human can achieve. In Atlas Shrugged the hero of the story John Galt realized this and set out to create a utopia where free commercialism was the key to creating a society in which those with the power to create, were not hindered, and through hard work could achieve anything.
Hard work is the essence of creation, and the only way in which true power can be achieved. Money is as far from the goal of Objectarianism as it is to a Buddhist, or Christian, or any religion in its purest form. That is not to say that we do not embrace it. We have already accepted the fact that a true Objectarianist will have by these societies’ standards a vast amount of money. In a free commercialist society, if one possesses the ability to create and the desire and hard work to bear the fruit of such labor, money will come by default. Ask any self made millionaire or billionaire how they started, and they will tell you the desire to change something, or create something. They possess the greatest power, the ability to take an idea and through hard work make it reality.
An objectarianist embraces this function of the self, and forever works every day towards the goal of creation. Hard work involves constant effort, and no Objectarianist expects an instant result. We believe also, that hard work should involve the up-keeping of the one piece of reality that links our minds to our reality, and that is our bodies. We believe that physical perfection is the epitome of hard work, and an objectivist’s ideas actualized in a way that exemplifies the fundamental teachings of Objectarianism.
We work hard, because no one will work hard for us. We break ourselves because if we have the capability to break, we have the ability fix and become stronger than ever. We work every day towards the ideal of creation and power, and stress the principal that every single day should be spent working towards gaining more power, no matter what the form.
Why do I work so hard you ask? I want to be better than all of you, on every front, at every turn, and in every way possible. You can spout your nonsense about fate, god, Jesus, prophets, and whatever else helps you sleep at night, but those are all obstacles in the way of achieving what every human really wants, power. I know I am right, because you are all using computers to read what I am writing. If you really were as good a Christian as you pretend to be, you will go sell everything you own so you can help the poor, the weak, and to spread the word of Jesus as the savior of mankind. However, you will not do that, because you do not possess true faith. It conflicts with reality too much. I exist entirely in reality, and therefore am not bound like you. I will use this to beat you, at every turn, because I will be more ruthless, more conniving, stronger, and more powerful than you will ever be.