Fan Fiction Archive

Apr 20, 2009 21:01

This is mostly for my own use so I can go back all the time and reread the comments, but I'm going to leave it as an open post so that anyone that randomly clicks on my live journal can see what I've done. I can't see much other reason why they would

I'll try to keep this updated as I continue to post fice, but no guarantees. Most of these are also posted on FF.Net....


Mountains and Valleys
Rated: T
Status: Finished. No continuations planned.
Characters: Switzerland, France, and Liechtenstein
History: Cardverse, so none.
Warnings: Implied sexual content
First Posted: 12th of November, 2011 on the kinkmeme.

As Long As You Both Shall Live
Rated: M
Status: Finished. No continuations planned.
Characters: America, Canada, Korea, China, England, France, Sealand
History: Corpse Party Fusion, so, no. Historical content is non existent.
Warnings: Violence
First Posted: 2th of December, 2011 on the kinkmeme.

Perhaps There is Something to See
Rated: G
Status: Finished. No continuations planned.
Characters: Spain, Germany, Prussia, France, Romano, England, Canada, Russia, Italy, Seychelles
History: Gakuen AU, so, no. Historical content is non existent.
Warnings: None
First Posted: 2th of December, 2010 on the kink meme

Peace of Mind Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4,
Rated: PG-13 for violence
Status: Not Dropped
Characters: America, England, Canada, Germany, China, Russia, France, Latvia, Sealand, Hungary, so far, eventually most characters.
History: An attempt at a serious Sailor Moon fusion, so, very little historic significance.
Warnings: Its a Sailor Moon type fusion, that should be plenty; me attempting a long running fill (be afraid, be very afraid), violence, creepy stalkerish stuff, oh, and random fems....kinda....
First Posted: 23rd of November, 2009 on the kink meme

Pretty Things
Rated: PG-13 for violence
Status: Potential Companion Piece Probably Dropped
Characters: Norway, Denmark, and Iceland
History: Little Mermaid AU, so, no. Historical content is non existent.
Warnings: Violence
First Posted: 15th of November, 2009 on the kink meme

You're Off The Map
Rated: G, maybe PG for implied human consumption....
Status: Any Potential Continuations are Not in the Near Future or Likely
Characters: America, England and Hong Kong
History: Fantasy AU; meaning there is no historical context what so ever...
Warnings: Talking of eating people and nondescript nudity.
First Posted: 7th of June, 2010

the sun will light a sea of sorrow
Rated: PG-13 for violence
Status: Finished. Expansion Dropped.
Characters: Iceland, Hong Kong, and a splash of Spain
History: Battle Royal AU; meaning there is no historical context what so ever...
Warnings: Horrible dialogue and some violence.
First Posted: 26th of April, 2010 for the aph_rarexhange

Once upon a dream
Rated: G
Status: Finished
Characters: young England, young America, and young France
History: A little bit of Normandy invasion and some symbolism.
Warnings: Drastic changes in mood.
First Posted: 5th of September, 2009

The Archipelago
Rated: PG
Status: Horrible and Finished I never want to look at this again, please don't either...
Characters: Russia and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
History: Deals badly with Solzhenitsyn's The Gulag Archipelago
Warnings: Lots of useless quotes
First Posted: 13th of August, 2009

Silk and Iron
Rated: PG for implied things
Status: Finished
Characters: England/Japan
History: Not much, just mentions of things.
Warnings: Light shonen-ai
First Posted: 18th of July, 2009

I am old and I am wise and I see and I know
Rated: PG for implied things
Status: Finished
Characters: China, England, and mentions of Russia
History: 1949 courting 1950, Mao's humiliation at Stalin's hand.
Warnings: A cynical and overly bitter China with a large lack of arus. Also is very short.
First Posted: 1st of June, 2009

Rated: G
Status: Finished
Characters: Russian and Ukraine
History: Movie references, nothing else.
Warnings: Overly fluffy and short.
First Posted: 15th of April, 2009

He hated it when they cried
Rated: M for violence
Status: Potential Continuation Still Undecided Upon Please don't expect anything...
Characters: Canada, England, America, mentions of France, Poland, and Lithuania
History: AU setting, so none
Warnings: AU Vampire setting, shonen-ai, violence, and lots of angst.
First Posted: 2nd of April, 2009

This Should Never Have Happened...
Rated: PG-13 for ass grabbing and implied things
Status: Finished
Characters: America, Canada, England, France, and mentions of others
History: Mild references to the proposal from France to Great Brittan in 1956.
Warnings: Crack, lack of real content, OOCEngland, and BL make out scenes Don't look at me like that!!
First Posted: 13th of March, 2009

Red White Blue
Rated: PG-13 for violence
Status: Finished
Characters: Russia, Lithuania, mentions of Latvia and Estonia
History: 1918 was a bad year for Russia.
Warnings: References that should not be made, Civil Wars and Revolutions make for not so sane Russia, overuse of color symbolization, and violence.
First Posted: 2nd of March, 2009

What Had Been Lost
Rated PG for violence
Status: Finished
Characters: Hong Kong, England, Japan, and mentions of Canada
History: 1941, Battle of Hong Kong
Warnings: Violence and Angst
First Posted: 15th of February, 2009

Kingdom Hearts

Clock Striking Midnight
Rated PG-13 for language
Status: Finished
Characters: Vanitas and Ventus
Warnings: Langauge
First Posted: 29th of September, 2012 on Tumblr

Persona 3

Rated PG-13 for implied sexual themes
Status: Finished
Characters: Strega
History: Set shortly after the 'end of the world'
Warnings: Implied sexual themes, and questionable consent
First Posted: 9th of September, 2011

Weiss Kreuz

The Four Princes of Ice
Rated M for violence and lack of concent
Status: Finished
Characters: Weiss
Warnings: Violence, lack of consent, and fairytale verse
First Posted: 30th of November 2012 as a request by zeph317toho for weiss_kreuzmas

fan fiction, weiss kreuz, kingdom hearts, persona 3, hetalia

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