Epic European Adventure, Part Four: Dublin

Apr 05, 2010 20:28

I can't believe it either!

Posting this part as a ginormous thank you to fahye, who let me crash on her futon while my Ma was in town, so as to avoid Ma's legendary snoring. Sleep was had by all! And thus I am finally getting around to posting the next part of this.

Part One, Singapore.
Part Two, Prague.
Interlude 1, Cadbury World.
Part Three, Edinburgh.

This was a difficult leg to get around to, on account of the fact that a) I don't like many of the photos I took and b) I can't remember anything factual! See, usually I swallow a billion guidebooks before I turn up in a city, but this time we had an ACTUAL GUIDE, which apparently means I remember NOTHING. But maybe our guide can fill in the gaps. Everyone give a warm welcome to copinggoggles, a delightful local who told us all about:

This was one of my favourite parts of Dublin. <3 The images in the pavement represented the archeological finds from that particular spot - it was fascinating to see just how much there was (as well as, on occasion, try to figure out what the hell they were).

Everyone meet our fabulous guide, copinggoggles! And fahye, obviously, but you're probably all bored of her by now. :P

Our unusually good run of weather continues. And look! Pretty churches!

I still recall picking up the kiddy activity sheet (what?) and bursting out into giggles when one of the questions asked me to "find three pictures of castles", immediately followed by three pictures of castles. It meant three pictures around the church, but that was apparently beyond me. :S

A drive out into the countryside resulted in this rather surreal moment: climbing out of the car and going "what is that sound?". I hadn't heard the sound of running water in so long I couldn't recognise it anymore. D:

Ruins! And puppy!

fahye contemplating the entrance to the tower, raised off the ground to protect against Vikings.

Ireland's beautiful scenery. I'm not sure of the name of the place where we were, so that may have to be one of the gaps copinggoggles can fill in.

Inside the ruins of an old chapel.

copinggoggles's father was awesome enough to not only drive us around, but keep us happily informed too. Although I think I scarred her entire family when I mentioned that I don't drink alcohol, coffee or tea. :S

More gorgeous scenery, with the giant waterfall in the background.

Aaaaand exit.

More than anywhere else, I feel like we just did not do Ireland justice with the time we spent there. There's a thousand things I'd love to explore in Ireland, but three days just does not provide the opportunity. ONE DAY I SHALL RETURN THERE.

In the meantime, thanks to copinggoggles, I have Master and Commander to remember it by. >D

PS. Was my camera broken on the day we went to Trinity College, or something? I have no photos. ;____;

PPS. I thought it would be weird to be posting pre-DSLR photos...but it's even stranger to be posting photos of my old hair.

europe, photography

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