Apr 18, 2007 13:50
I got yet another half-hour long sermon from my mother about how I should "allow the family to use their faith on my behalf". They're all "desperately worried" about my health, and upset that I won't let them bless me or submit to their minstrations.
*sighs* For one thing, I think they're worried about nothing. IBS is common and not life-threatening as long as it's managed properly. An ulcer is the same. Neither one is an illness that goes away spontaneously or quickly. Mom seems to think that getting a blessing will "cut the healing time dramatically".
I'm frustrated with her on this issue. Every day she calls and hammers me about it. I've gotten to where I dread answering the phone. She convinced that my doctor has failed me and that a blessing will encourage her to find what's really wrong. I find that extremely egotistical and arrogant.
As always, she doesn't give me any credit at all. She insists somehow that her faith is better than mine (granted she's under the impression that I have no faith at all, which isn't really true, but my faith isn't in her religion and she has a LOT of trouble accepting that). I just don't discuss what I believe because it's so nebulous and difficult, and she'll insist on tearing it down. It's a private, precious thing, between me and the Universe - I don't believe I should have to explain it to others, especially those who would degrade it.
Yes, I'm annoyed. I should probably just have it out with her, but it wouldn't change her attitude towards my beliefs or lack thereof.
She won't take my word on my health - I'm the person living in this body, not her. I should KNOW, shouldn't I? I'm taking the necessary steps to get my strength back. The problem is, she's got my sister and brother-in-law all upset, too.
If they want to use their faith on my behalf, they don't need my permission to do so. I don't control what they do or how they talk to God or what they ask of Him/Her/It. I have my own ways of connecting to the Powers That Be. If they want to really help me, they'd pray for patience (for all of us) and a willingness (in me) to follow doctors' orders. :P
But dammit, don't tell me I'm not good enough, or my beliefs aren't strong enough, or that yours are somehow better than mine.