(no subject)

Aug 10, 2006 10:31

I drop off the Kibitzer in two hours or so. YAY!

How about that news out of London - the terror plot they foiled? Scary shit. I'm still digesting that one - I might post more later. It angers me that people feel so much animosity towards us, and I put the blame squarely on our government. While the world is better off without Saddam Hussien in power, I think Dubya was rather high-handed in his handling of it. I started out supporting the war, but now I can find no justification for it. I just don't see how we can pull out without making things immeasurably worse.

The world hates us. We're seen as the playground bully. Is it surprising that terrorist action has increased tremendously since Dubya's been in power?

It's time to throw the bums out. It's time we FORCE them to be accountable to US, not each other or big business. Wanna know why people don't vote? They don't believe it makes a difference. Officials get into office and do just what they please, not what their constituents want them to. They're voted in as representatives of the PEOPLE, not to promote their own agendas/beliefs/religion. They've forgotten that.

I think people are starting (finally!) to get tired of being jerked around by their elected officials.

kibitzer, news

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