(no subject)

Mar 20, 2006 22:08

Heh. Ya know, this is why I don't whole-heartedly jump into "organic foods". It just seems too good to be true.

Is Whole Foods Wholesome? The dark secrets of the organic-food movement.

I get my cashew butter from them since, well, they're the ONLY damned store in town that sells it. It odes drive me nuts that supposedly healthier food os so much more expensive than junk. And everyone wonders why Americans are obese, when a WalMart paycheck will barely cover subsistence levels of junk foods, rather than foods that will actually keep a person alive and healthy.

But, thinking back on my history, it's always been the case. The wealthy get the best, the poor the worst. It seems to keep population levels in check. The rich live longer, but they have fewer kids. The poor live shorter lives, but they have more kids.


Ok, that was pretty harsh. But think about it a little. WalMart will pull quite a coup if it can "democratize" our food supply. It still doesn't excuse their crappy treatment of the employees and suppliers.

Someone somewhere called WalMart VoldeMart. I thought it was fitting.

You get right down to it, though, every company has a seamy side. It just depends on what kind of and how much dirt you're willing to tolerate when you choose which retailer to patronize.


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