Very interesting conversation in the exmormon community. Someone asked an honest question, and got several thoughtful answers. It was nice that it didn't get nasty.
Kenneth's got a cough again. Jay's feeling poorly, Sarah's got a sore throat, and I'm tired out. I think we're all coming down with something.
Kenneth has a six-month follow-up with the surgeon that put the tubes in his ears - tomorrow morning at ten. I can't even conceive of getting up and taking him in.
I got the boxes of Christmas decorations downstairs again. The basement's all tidy once more. I took pictures of what I've done, so I can print them for the Organized Christmas binder I'm making myself. That way, I can see what worked and what didn't.
The globe lights I put along the driveway got partially buried by the snowplows. Jay started digging them out tonight and found they'd each melted a perfect little spherical cave around itself. He left the little caves - they look kind of cool. I should snap a pic before they disappear with the coming warmer weather.
It's been SO COLD here. The highs have been around ten, if that, for the last several days. Tonight it's supposed to get down to eight below. Tomorrow it's supposed to be near freezing. This weekend it's supposed to be around forty. Wooo - HEAT WAVE! Break out the shorts!
The girls have been so hateful to each other. *shaking head* All I ask is that they TRY to treat each other with a bit of respect. Rachael is one of the meanest people I know right now - she can whip out a hurtful phrase faster than anyone I've seen. Sarah melts down at the least provocation. And Kenneth copies them both.
Some days I wonder what I did to deserve it all. Everyone used to comment how beautifully my children behaved and how sweet they were. Now they're monsters.
It bothers me that Rachael doesn't flinch when she's punished. She doesn't laugh it off, but there's...nothing. Tonight, Sarah apparently grabbed her shoulder, so she did it right back, only much harder. Sarah ended up with some scratches and red marks. When I found out, I took hold of Rachael's shoulder and squeezed as hard as I could, digging my fingernails in a bit for emphasis. Ok - go on and call Social Services on me now. But DAMMIT - she didn't wince or react at all during this. There wasn't anything in her eyes.
We CAN'T move to give them more room. We CAN'T rearrange the house. It's a trial for all of us, but do they have to fight SO DAMNED MUCH??? Have I done something wrong? Is it just rampant hormones, or have I ruined them for life? Are they going to sue me later for their psychiatrist visits? Are all preteens this hateful? Is this only the tip of the iceberg?
Is it those TV shows they watch so much - That's So Raven, etc? I've listened to a couple of those - the grownups are a JOKE. No wonder kids have such nasty attitudes anymore. I've already told the girls they need to find other shows - that I don't like their portrayal of authority figures.
I thought I'd have a Little House on the Prairie family - where all the stress and angst came from outside the family. Inside, everyone understood each other and got along.
Or is that wishful thinking?
I dunno. I warned Chris tonight not to have kids if he wanted to preserve his sanity.