(no subject)

Feb 21, 2015 12:07

I should have gotten between them. I should have stopped the argument before it went as far as it did, and Sarah barricaded herself in her room and Jay called the police.

All because neither would take a breath, calm down and LISTEN to the other person. That would have led to a conversation that might have ended peacefully instead of blowing up into a situation where the cops, my parents and Darin were all involved, and Darin mad enough to take Jay apart physically.

I'm so angry and frustrated, and have been since it happened Thursday night. Sarah's been staying with friends, and hasn't texted any of us. My parents are annoyed that she chose friends over them, but what 18-year old would voluntarily choose grandparents who'd lay down as many, if not more, rules than her parents? She came over last night to get a few things and all I could do was sit there and watch and cry.

If Jay would be happier without us, he's doing a bang-up job of driving each of us away. Rachael's to the point where she can't stand it anymore. It won't be long till she runs away just to escape.

Oh, and Brian denied our request to let Jay adopt Kenneth. I have no idea where that's going to go. Our lawyer offered little hope of the adoption going through if this happened, regardless of the fact that Brian hasn't offered any financial support, nor lived up to his court-ordered responsibilities. He's the sperm donor, and so has more rights than the man who's paid Kenneth's medical bills, and provided a roof and food for the last ten years. Oh, and Kenneth's seizure? There appears to be no neurological basis for it - both the MRI and EEG came back normal. Dr. Jeffrey's theory is that family stress is causing it.

AND Sarah and I've been railroaded into a psychiatric evaluation by him as well. I'm upset beyond measure, as well as feeling betrayed. He says he means well, but the reading I get is, "You're the one at fault, you're not what I want, so I'm going to change you whether you want me to or not."
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