In 2009,
ryokomusouka resolves to...
Keep my crochet clean.
Get back in contact with some old roses.
Learn to play the anime.
Buy new cars.
Put fifty kids a month into my savings account.
Admit my true feelings to karusama.
Umm, yeah. "Here, little kid - let me put you into my savings! You'll earn TONS of interest!" And KARU? Sorry, hon - as much as I like you, I don't like you like THAT!
On the twelfth day of Christmas,
ryokomusouka sent to me...
Twelve legolas gardening
Eleven peonies sewing
Ten cartoons a-biking
Nine beads beading
Eight wls a-drawing
Seven books a-scrapbooking
Six elves a-collecting
Five anse-e-e-el adams
Four video games
Three fashion dolls
Two model trains
...and an illustrator in a celtic spirituality.
Random is...random. Though twelve Legolas clone gardeners....MMMM!