Nov 12, 2007 21:11

I was half excited when I saw someone had signed my guest book on my highly under construction*coughimlazycough* site...but because of my lack of content, I assumed it was spam. So I go to look.....AND WOULDN"T YA KNOW IT ITS BRIENNA BEING A MEANER WEENER!!!! just kidding -_- well..kinda.....If she would've called me yesterday like i asked..perhaps she would have her shirt back by now...BUT AS OF THIS MOMENT IT IS MINE TO DO WITH AS I WISH!! MUAAHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA@@@@!!!!

*wears it*


Anywho. I did some hard core Super Mario Bros 3 gamage this weekend...especially today...i skipped a few worlds, as always..and am on the very last level of the game ^^ (or so i hope).....When i was little, I never bothered beating the 8th world. I would always be like..."MAN DIS IZ TEH HARD" then i'd reset the game and play through all the other worlds ^^ ya.......i have a score to settle with this game that goes way way back....

Oh..about my site layout.  HOW ABOUT THIS??????.....this weekend....assuming I dont have any homework (and even if i do i'll do this afterwards) i'm going to work non stop until i have EVERY SINGLE LINK UP on my webpage. HOW BOUT THAT YA??

ALSO!!! If brienna inspires me with a simple and clean layout that allows for LOTS and lots of links...then I will use that when im going to town this weekend on my page.

of course i'll give her credit where credit is due.

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