Well, I got up....at 6:35 AM unfortunately....and went to go meet up with my sculpting class to do a walking tour around costa messa, to view the various sculptures around the area. Lets start with trying to find parking -_-; I found a MEGA huge mall (that I know have to go check out sometime, maybe tomorrow if im bored) and decided to park there to avoid any parking garage fees that may have been around the Noguchi Garden area. The parking lot was completely empty so I parked close to the intersection. Right when I did a quick hop over some bushes for a shortcut, a security guard on a bicycle came and said the lot was for customers ONLY. I really don't get mad at people like that...they are just doing their job ya know? So I simply asked if it was alright if I was going to come BACK and shop a little later. But nooooOOOooo..couldn't do that either I guess -_- I asked him if he knew where the Noguchi gardens were (gotta figure someone who works around the area would know right? WRONG) He didn't even know wtf I was saying. "No....gi...chee?" Me: NO NO-GU-CHI. He tried to walky-talky some of his peeps to ask, but I just told him to forget it, and thanks for his help anyway.
So i drove off...found a parking structure...did the tour....got back into my car and realized I had no cash. I prayed that they took credit card...BUT NOPE! :D!!! The hispanic lady who was there must not have understood my english too well (i dont blame her, lots of english speaking people dont understand me either XD!!!jk. i think) anyway, I showed her my credit card, and she said they only took cash or personal checks. I took out the quarters I had in my tiny wallet, and told her I dont have a check book. I offered to leave my address or phone number or something...but she tried to get me to sign this one paper instead. I signed it, and saw a box that wanted me to put some number in it. She said I had to write what 'floor of the building' i was going to. I kept trying to tell her that I wasn't going to any building, and that I was JUSTTRYINGTOLEAVE....finally she raised her little hand and in a soft voice said "bai bai!" and let me go. THERES 12.50 THAT I'LL NEVER HAVE TO PAY WOOTS!
Gotta go to a doctors appointment...and dinner with my parents. I've missed a few weeks in a row of dinner so ya..nummers.
Check it out...im selling my brothers bracelet on ebay...6 people are currently watching it yay! GO LOOK
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=160174048118&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT&ih=006 AND COLLEGE?
I have to register on November 16th and 2:30 PM. So that means I have to have at least 3 potential schedules all nicely planned out before i go use their new online regestration system. I'm taking the easy level of japanese :p yes i know....but HEY!!! It'll be a good review after not doing japanese for a year practically. And who knows-maybe I can clarify some of the very basics that Sensei never was capable of explaining to us.