May 31, 2006 17:15
Been home a week. Slept in a lot. and I mean a LOT.
Been practicing Ultimate (sorta) for the past week. Mostly just throwing with my friend. It's what we do when we are bored. We've been bored a lot. The whole lacking money to do stuff... yea limits stuff to do. But I dont' mind, I need the excercise. Can't let myself get fat by being home. I managed not to gain weight at College, why start now?
Visited the high school today. Was supposed to be there only for lunch, but instead stayed until 5th period started. No on caught me, at least anyone that cared. Went to the AP physics class... they weren't doing anything. At all. So talked with Tarjan for... most of it.
Got the grades back for the quarter, did better than I was told (one class said I'd only be able to get a B, but ended up with an A. Whooo for picking up the slack at the end of the quarter). Also have a summer job. That'll be nice. The whole "having money" thing sounds sweet.
And that's that. I'm out.