So after their Taiwan con DBSK/DBSG/TVXQ/Tohoshinki or whatever whatchmallit you want to call them flew here to tiny little Malaysia (MY COUNTRY! *waves flag*) and now they're like..500km away from where I live?
I think they kinda like got here yesterday and held a press conference in Kuala Lumpur, cause it came out on the news XD
I kinda wonder why they're here so early cause the con is only on 24th November. Another thing I don't understand is why Malaysian fans had to fly all the way to Taiwan to watch the con there when DBSK is gonna coming here after that yeah crazy fangirls, much?
My fanclub isn't on DBSK but with stuff like "HUMAN AQUARIUM" screaming at me from the article I might be just a teeeny weeny bit interested in whats going on.
I know a few SG fangirls that are going to come down just for this *coughTINcough* (OH YEAH AND SAKKI ARE YOU COMING TOO?)
A rabid classmate - DBSK fangirl of mine is going too and she already got her tickets booked so I'm gonna ask her to take pics and uhm wait, do they sell con goods? LOL :D
DBSK is already here for the second time (they came last year), mainly because there's an offical fanclub here in Malaysia for them. But this years con date is causing frustration because its in the middle of two VERY VERY IMPORTANT government exams (called SPM and STPM). To sum it all up, if you don't do well in these two exams aka get all straight A's, your whole future = FAIL.
That's right, if you don't get what is expected in these two exams, you'll truly and deeply be in outrageously boiling hot miso soup and you can't get into any of the government universities. Oh joy.
Because SPM is for Form 5 students ( 17 year olds ) and STPM for Upper Six ( 19 year olds ), I heard they did a petition to postpone the date of the con but it failed, yay.
I'm sure some girls are shedding tears of fangirl frustration at this but yeah, what does a 16 year old like me care.
Evil, much?
News report of DBSK in Malaysia last year:
Click to view
Sometimes the Korean wave is so much alive here that I keep wondering what the hell is Johnny thinking by letting NewS go to Taiwan only >.>''