Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given!
(seriously, I like that kind of meme XD)
so here's what
kitsunekaya gave me;
I think I'll put it into a cut )
"Les chemises de l'Archi-duchesse sont-elle sèches, archi-sèches?"
What does that mean (Qu'est que? ...right? ^_^") I only understood shirts/Chemises...
I don't know if you have that kind of phrases in english?
As you've probably noticed, there are a lot of "ch"-"sh" and "s" sounds
(chemises, sèches, etc.)
If you try to read it as fast as you can, it's abit difficult because of those "s" and "ch" sounds.
I'm not sure I've explained it well? ^^'
(so the meaning is abit weird. XD)
"the shirts of the archduchess are they dry, really dry?"
(there's a kinda play on words at the end XO because "archi-sèches" means something like "really dry" (but it's old french...or it just isn't used! XD), but as you see, the "archi" of that part reffers to the "archi" of "archiduchesse". yay. how useless. XD)
Thanks for the fine explanation! ^_^
We learn that kind of things when we are, like, 5 years old or around that, and it took me lots of years before knowing the meaning XD
Now, try to say it! XD
(I'm personnaly failing at pronouncing it well. XD It sounds like "les chemises de l'archiduchesse chont-elle chèches, achi-chèches?". a real fail. XD)
There's also a version with "chaussettes" (socks) instead of "chemises".
(lots of "to" here o_o)
I can give you other phrases like that. XD There are so much~
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