(no subject)

Mar 03, 2009 19:15

Miku, what's that deep voice?! (o_o) ( x_x)


My day of today was


Better than yesterday (because yesterday I babysit and...and tomorrow I'll have to babysit again _ _)
But not THAT awesome. XD

First of, since I didn't translate my previous entry, some of you don't know I'm not allowed to go on the computer this week (because my mom give me that punition) (I'm actually on it because she allowed me to go XD)

So, this week I'll not be on the computer alot and I've lots of work to do on the computer so = not so much entries, comments, etc. from me.

What did I do today, so?

Hum, I read Death Note vol. 8 & 9 because I bought them with some other books this week-end.

And Matsuda got a new haircut lol

There was a dilemn, also;

>>> "good" cookies or "bad" cookies?! (_ _)

I'M A CHOCOLATE ADDICT so "Célébration" ones (the "bad" ones) were tempting me.
But I promised myself to eat less sugar as possible.

heuuu heuuu

So I ate both of them. XD

And for lunch time I ate;

>>>cretons on my toasts! XD
I couldn't resist. Cretons are so tasty (x_x)

(and yeah my toasts are sort of "cut" on the top. It's because my father's bread is really good, but it's too big to go properly in the toaster, so I have to "cut" the top. XD)

>>>then, I was about to read my Death Note.


>>>hey, Maya, you are sleeping exactly where I wanted to sit! :O
(and you want to read my manga? XD)

lol ok that's sort of random. XD

So, after that I photocopied some pages of my new Fruit Basket books and I colored one of them.


waw how a moving day ne. XD

I also scanned my Mayu draw because when I was photocopying I found a way to scan it. hehe.
I'll post him and Yuki and the beganning of Yugiri. On the next entry.

mars 2009, photos, ordi

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