One month waiting for this new episode wasn't a waste~
<<<<<"nani, nani, nani?? 8D I feel like I made him score low!!"
Nino (to Ohno): If you catch both, gotta be a BINGO!!
Yamapi reappeared on the show for the second time since it exists. Last time, it was Aiba who was controlling his pipes, and despite Aiba's "efforts" to deconcentrate him, he did catch both pipes. The pipes chosen by baba were 1 & 3. On today's show, Matsujun was controlling the pipes and Yamapi was the catcher. Of course, they mentionned his last time performence and so on. Then Matsujun chose the pipes and decided, with a malicious laught to choose 1 & 3. Of course no one in Arashi's team knew it, so when Yamapi said he thought it would be 2 & 4, th 4 other arashi started to talk, and Aiba mentionned he chose 1 & 3 last time, so why wouldn't he put his attention on those?
But Yamapi, not without relieving Matsujun, stayed on his position 2 & 4. So, Falling Pipes Start, Matsujun is talking and talking and hop pushing on the button and, what happened? Images worth thousand of words:
<< 8-O *shocked*
Lemme give you an extra clue just in case:
seriously that guy has great reflexes, I was really surprised he could do a double-catching, both 100 pts, even if his position was wrong.
I was really impressed o_o
oh and I forgot to mention that, since everythind is REALLY possible in this VSA SP, it isn't only Sakurai who introduces the games, neiter Aiba is doing a random apparition like before, but in this episode EVERY member introduces a game. It gives another dynamic. XD
So! Next stage (I'm really taking vsa's vocabulary, it has a bad influence on me XD), Pinball Runner!
Something funny was how Aiba didn't score as well as usual and, if I understood well, he put the shame on Nino & Matsujun who were controllers (they were calling the numbers where the balls were falling). For some reasons it's Ohno who judged the scene, then said to Aiba it was his fault.
(Aiba's "ORE?!!!!....hontou?" was hilarous XD like, he was still shouting his energy by saying ORE and then took a serious voice saying hontou...buhuhaha indeed it is your fault).
The way he mumbled his apologizing in a childish way was cute/funny. (the way he said gomen kusai made it even more childish and funny XD)
<<< apologizing (the screencap fail....but how do you want to screencap properly someone who's bowing?!! XD mostly when the person is bowing as fast as he did XD silly him~)
nota: Aiba, you definitely need a serious appointment with your hairdresser and cut that thing that stands as your hair. XD