Yeah yeah yeah

Dec 23, 2009 19:22

This is the ad-post I talked about (it wasn't a joke XP)!!


You probably aren't, because who cares but me anyways.

But, but, still, I dress up the list of the things planned:

-Review of last year's resolutions + new year resolutions (classic)

-Little poll made-by-me, interview-inspired, as a review of my year
(with a bonus "my life through "Sayonara Mr. Despair" manga's themes)

-1 song/video/etc. = 1 month


(the etc. means that maybe if I get more inspired there will be more. otherwise I'll stay with those few themes).

OH WOW just admit this is normal and unoriginal! XD

But heh, I didn't invented years reviews, you know.

sp new year, décembre 2009

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