I totally forgot to mention what I wanted to point out first! (XD)
So, you guys remember, in NGAW 2 DVD, when An Cafe are singing this "Antikku Cafe no Exercice: 1, 2, 3, ra ra ra rai! ra ra ra rai ra ra rai ra ra rai!" (well the ones of you who did watch it are actually supposed to remind it XD)
This made a deep impression on me and my brothers.
Well, yesterday (or is it Friday? doubt.) I found Matsujun doing the same thing in this video:
click the current link (appr. 0:41)
I definitely linked this to An Cafe (1st time ever in my life I link arashi to an cafe o_O) and searched the real episode (...with subs..*coughs*) to understand where it is supposed to be from (in some point I understood that none of those 2 bands created the ra-ra-ra-rai thingie but I wanted to know the whole truth XD).
I found out it was episode 154 of shukudai-kun and THEN found out that it was FUJISAKI MARKET (a comedian duo)'s thing!!
as you can see here: *
So that's the most far I could investigate on that crucial *hum* topic (- -)v
in fact I guess a lot of people knew this before me. But I wanted to share this anyway |D
so...1, 2, 3! Ra-ra-ra-rai! >_<'
p.s. I think it's one of the rare japanese comedian duo I really enjoy. I mean their humour reach me a little bit more. XD
p.s.2 oh and I also enjoyed AnS ep 154 (mentionned above). The train-theme was cute and the punitions as Sadistic as the usual XD