#1st entry! yay~ :DD

Mar 22, 2023 11:03


Here's a little introduction about me and my journal ^^

 Hiiiii! this is Nouf, 20 years old Emirati eighter, Ryo biased 
, very shy, dreamy, calm, not talkative, loves to smile and see people's smile, loves her family and friends, sometimes gets crazy and loud, do stupid things all the time, not a winter person. To know more about me, do check my profile, watch-list, my likes or you can just ask me :33

 My journal is mainly focused on my lovely baby Ryo!!
obvisouly! because I'm sooo crazy about him! xDDD♥ I seriously love being his fangirl! though, sometimes I do post other stuff like meme's and such. but I prefer posting Ryo related stuff 'cause I don't really have anything to say about myself! :P I also love making graphics. that's why my posts usually contains some. I know I'm not the best out there but I'm trying to improve :)
If you want to add me, please leave a comment here telling me a bit about you. like your name, your country, etc.. but I don't promise to add back ^^;

I'm sorry to say this but, I won't add you if:

 you didn't leave a comment here or contacted me before adding me.

 your journal is completely in another language.

 we don't share the same interests and/or fandoms.

Thanks for visiting & have a lovely day~ ;) *gives Ryo shaped cookies*last update: (Thu) Aug 04, 2011    

#intro post

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