wonderful guy!!

Jun 19, 2010 13:15

Hi~! how is everyone's doing? are you enjoying the summer?? I'm good, the weather is very hot here the same as every year and if I turned off the air conditioner I feel like I'm dead but once I turned it on I feel refreshed!
to be honest I was a bit upset but I feel good now. ever since I watched that wonderful world performance I felt better and it has cracked me up! xDDD I wanna see the PV already~ I'm so happy to be able to see ryo again!! I mean, in the first half of the year there was nothing except sakura girl. but now there's more stuff to look forward to so I'm relieved ^^ I can't wait for more performances and for joker and also for chonmage purin which I've been and still dying to watch! :) I so love my chocolate-ryo~~ ♥
and since I've been into making gifs lately for ryogifaday I made a few wonderful world gifs (2 from the performance and 1 from the PV's preview) and thought of posting them here..

I made these 2 gifs just now

you can see ryo, don't you? he's the second from the right. who's shaking his butt. if you can't see him!

I totally cracked up when I first saw this xDDD and I had to make a gif out of it!!

this one I made it yesterday. and I was like I wanna marry you!!!!

I wanted to post it at ryogifaday but didn't want to spam the whole comm with wonderful word gifs xDD
so I'll just post it here. it's a bit crappy so I'll make another one when the pv comes out!

I'm so hungry~~

group: eito, ryotan baby ♥, !gifs

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