pffft its ranting time XD

Dec 08, 2004 22:03

i can't stop ranting XD

-i had the best game of doubles today!!! omg and its the first time i actually lost HAPPILY XD man, shall eat more honeystars XD

-yume no basho e PV has BLONDE RYOHEI in it. like OMFGYUSS!!! XD well im not really in love with the song but it gives a refreshing feeling like when i wake up and the sun is shining on my bed and the song is playing XD definitely not sounding like some soccer song XD i thought it would have strong vocals and people chanting OLEH in the background...or at least an inspiring melody...but this song is basically paced carefully and calmly^^;; im not saying that it's not a good thing but it doesn't appeal to me much ^^ the pv was just okay...but since im biased over blonde ryohei, i shall raise it one level higher. THE PV IS SOOOO GOOOD!!!! XD rofl. they look really nice...but probably the the place where they had the pv and the song too @_@;; it kinda affects me ^^ rofl...but the pv is okay...and since yume no basho e cover doesn't have blonde ryohei in it, then i'm praying that the trading card will have blonde ryohei in it. @_@;; but then again, i dont think i'll get a ryohei card. i NEVER got a ryohei TC and i can just dream about having a BLONDE RYOHEI one @_@;; i really want one though @_@;;

-perfect day is COOL. i was going to say SUPER but i guess since it's a clay aiken song means it isn't original w-inds music ^^ i love w-inds music...they're all really nice and all ^^ but i've heard clay aiken's one..and put it on shuffle and let it repeat many many times but i think w-inds version is SO MUCH BETTER. ^^ i guess its because of the voilins and that there're 3 people singing it and it's really nice. im a FAST SONG FREAK and i dont like these type of songs but after hearing this i really like it ^^ and i think i like it better than yume no basho e ^^;;

-dammit i see blonde icons everywhere ^^;; omg you guys make me so happy by puttin gup the icons of blonde ryohei that i made and support blonde ryohei...*touched* ;____; I LUFFLE YOU GUYS!!! XDDDD *hands out blonde ryohei plushies* XDDD

im done ranting. ^^;; rabublondechibaka.
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