Aug 28, 2004 12:38

Right, so this blog is only 50% complete. I still have to put some other stuffs in but you know me, I'm LAZY. Plain lazy to be bothered. Oh well I guess I'll finish this blog up when I'm really bored XD.

Oh yes, it's like a FEW MORE DAYS to teachers day (which is also the day which I cannot wait for it to come because I'm going to pay a visit to my old school) and ONE MORE WEEK and a little bit more before the September holidays!!! Doesn't 10 weeks just whoosh past you so quickly that you don't even know it? XD I just cannot believe that I am ALMOST surviving term3 (though looking at the amount of project works that I haven't finished yet) and it'll be one week of term holidays before hectic schedules and massive revision in preparation for the end year exams. @_@;; oh well, but during the holidays i wont be enjoying myself that much because I STILL have trainings and of course, there'll bound to be homework. gahhh~

Got caught by the DM. I don't believe it. Either he's:
a) blind, or
b) blind, or
c) blind.
Okay so you can choose another option (d), which is ALL OF THE ABOVE because he IS. There're so many other peeps out there with their hair like bushes and mops and compared to mine, theirs is like 68743546874687 times longer than mine? And yet he still caught me and gave me that EVIL SMIRK on his face. Saying that I should cut my hair and blah blah because the wispy stuffs behind were too long. Bah~ so I told him that I would tie it up and gave an excuse that I was going to keep long hair and blah blah he went lecturing me again saying my hair wasn't thick enough. ARGH. I'll show him. *shakes fist* and so I did. I came to school today looking like an idiot. ENough already. I think the incident is physically, mentally, emotionally humilating. SHOOT ME.

Oh yes, mom just told me that I should drink those tonic stuffs like everyday. She said once or twice a month was good enough but here I was drinking it everyday because I'm so tired and I can't stop sleeping in class. Ugh THANKS MOM, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME EARLIER? Now I fear that I'll die of nosebleed or something. x_x;;

Okay, I can't think of anything else...gotta get the links done properly. OUT~
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