I haven't just rambled on livejournal for a while, so I think I'll take this moment of self-doubt, apprehension, and fatigue to do that.
1. Yourself: just another unique snowflake
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend: I think I dislike all humans
3. Your hair: still long. I need something different
4. Your mother/stepmother: anachronistic, insane, unnaturally happy given everything
5. Your father/stepfather: short temper, believes in Jesus, the only one in my family I have any respect for and can talk to
6. Your favorite item: you know, I don't even know.. my computer I guess
7. Your dream last night: meeting long long long lost family members at a McDonald's cafeteria and having a sort of impromptu reunion
8. Your favorite drink: chocolate milk
9. Your dream car: one that runs and has a bumpin' audio system
10. The room you are in: my cruddy shithole college apartment room that's always there to remind me I'm a fuckup :cool:
11. Your Ex: is married, has a kid, and is quite happy, and I'm happy for her in turn
12. Your fear: death, plain and simple
13. What you want to be in 10 years: a Japanese translator
14. Who you hung out with last night: #nihongo
15. What you're not: what I want to be
16. Muffins: need chocolate chips
17: One of your wish list items: a Wii =(
18: Time: is speeding up
19. The last thing you did: exercised for about ~45 minutes
20. What you are wearing: running pants and a shirt (just got back from said exercise)
21. Your favorite weather: an extremely quiet, starry and cold night - everything is so crisp and clear that you feel like you're somewhere else. Failing that, a moderate but windy thunderstorm
22. Your favorite book: I really don't read much, though I should.. probably my Japanese language books
23. The last thing you ate: chicken ramen with some curry powder (yum)
24. Your life: is at a standstill
25. Your mood: nothing feels right, everything confuses me, fear
26. Your best friends: pity me
27. What are you thinking about right now?: I need a change (I've been thinking this for a few months now but still haven't been able to pull it off)
28. Your car: hahahaha
29. What are you doing at the moment?: studying for the JLPT
30. Your summer: wait, summer? that came and went?
31. Your relationship status: pretending to be in love with a bunch of binary on the internet
32. What is on your TV?: a bunch of video game girl gachapon figures
33. What is the weather like?: cool and sunny
34. When is the last time you laughed?: while watching anime yesterday
-Graham, his sister Hilary and I will be driving to Canada in the beginning of December, I guess. I'm looking forward to this, but at the same time, it's going to cost alot of money (something I'm in very very short supply of). It also means I can't get the last thing I was going to splurge on: the Wii. At the same time, though, this may be my only chance to travel outside the country, and I really would like to visit Canada, an d the north in general, where they have TREES and shit. It's such a long drive too.. I suppose that's half the fun though.. It'll be cool to stop at all those fun roadside places. I miss doing stuff like that when I traveled around alot.
-Along the way on that trip, we'll be stopping in Atlanta so I can take the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, which is hopefully my first step in getting a translation career oriented job. I have horrible horrible self esteem when it comes to this though, and I am worried sick about it. It's all pretty damn easy stuff, but at the same time...
-My DS has an M3 flashcart with 2gb SD and PassMe, so I have a crapton of GBA and NDS games on there now. Ouendan was pretty cool once I could finally play it on my own. These should keep me occupied for a while.
-I generally feel that I'm the biggest loser out of everyone I know and that I'm not capable of changing that. I understand this is all :emo: bullshit, but that is how I feel.
-In the three months since I updated, nothing major has changed, and three months from now (or later) when I update again, things will probably be the same then too.