Meeting Ben Templesmith

Apr 09, 2011 20:35

Probably the highlight of my day at Supanova was meeting Ben Templesmith and his lovely lady Molly Isaacs. He was sitting in what amounted to the celebrity artist alley and had suprisingly few people at his table. Lucky for me! How are comic artists (and their partners) always so disarming? Conversation with Ben went something like this.

BT: *signing and drawing in my brand new Squidgirls artbook* What's your name?
Me: Sonja, but spelled with a J. S-O-N-J-A.
BT: Oh, like Red Sonja!
Me: Haha yeah, like that.
BT: *keeps drawing* I ask everyone this, but... do you like Squids or Girls more?
Me: Both. Equally. Together.
BT: Hmmm... but let's put it this way, if you were trapped on a desert island, which would you rather have with you?
Me: Oh. The girl.
BT: Ah-hah, see, there we go. Now my HARDCORE fans would have automatically said the squid.
Me: Yes but, would you want me to lie to you?
BT: Oh certainly not. Also the girl would be better company I think.
Me: Although perhaps you could escape the island on the squid.
BT: I was thinking maybe you could eat the squid. Ahh I keep going to write RED Sonja. You're not even a redhead. Though if you were I bet you would have copped it a lot in school. Or that might just me being a comic nerd.
Me: Yeah, the people who would have been the type to torment me wouldn't have been comic nerds.
BT: Ah yes. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with Red Sonja anyway. Except maybe that movie they made.
Me: But most comics have at least one terrible movie spin-off anyway.
BT: *raises eyebrow* Hmm thanks.
Me: *horrified* Ahh, I didn't mean yours!! (30 Days of Night was turned into a pretty mediocre film)
BT: No, no, it's okay. The film was actually pretty ehhhhh... (if the artist admits it, you know it's gotta be)

I'm not sure if it was all said quite in that order. My brain gets a little scrambled around people I admire, you all know this from past experiences. Although I did not get a picture taken WITH Ben, I did get a wonderful drawing of a Squidgirl in the inside cover of my artbook and his signature on both that and my Hatter M hardcover. Later in the day I also went back with my Fuji Instax Polaroid camera and asked if I could take a picture of he and Molly together, which I then got them both to sign. And he took a photo of the Polaroid with his phone. And said it was very cute of me to do that.

Since I left my phone at home I have neither photos of the Polaroid or the sketch he drew in my book. YET. I'll be sure to upload them as soon as I get home (at Dad's for the night).

is this real life, supanova

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