...is really awesome.
Actually I don't feel right gushing about it as much as I have been because it's not perfect, some scenes (although necessary for plot) seemed to drag on while other things felt too rushed. I warn you guys that if you haven't seen the film some of the things in my post may not make a whole lot of sense AND there are a few little spoilers in here (although nothing about the major, central plotline) but I've put them under the cut.
One of my major complaints was that Ariadne, their dream-team's (lol) Architect seemed to accept the premise of dream invasion way too easily. My housemate waved this away saying that chances were Cobb's father had trained her in the same way he had trained Cobb. Even with that explanation I found it a bit unusual. Another unexplained point was Fischer's guarded subconscious--they had even said themselves that 'someone must have trained Fischer to defend against extractors' but... who? If other extractors had been at Fischer before--hell, if they'd helped train him--he wouldn't have been so unaware of the situation he was in this time around.
But what do I care, I got to stare at Cillian Murphy's face for ages.
I'm shallow so sue me Mmmm...
The projections were creepy when they stared o__o especially Fischer's in the bar, good lord. Gave me the shivers. And at one stage I was holding my breath and had my hands clasped so tightly together I thought I was going to cut off the circulation in them--that was during the climactic scene towards the end, good god @_@
And little loose-end gripes aside, the film was amazingly written and visually stunning, although not to the point where I think seeing it at IMAX made a huge difference (lol pun). I probably would have enjoyed it just as much on a normal cinema screen, although some scenes did look beautiful. Di Caprio is fantastic in his role, I've been liking him more and more recently in all the trippy films he's been doing. I also counted at least three actors from The Dark Knight which isn't surprising since the director is the same.
Only my housemate and I went, no one else was able to make it but I'd probably be happy to see it again if anyone's interested. I always like seeing a movie a second time to spot any little details I might have missed first time around. Let me know.
Oh, and for the first half of the film I kept thinking 'omg. omg. I want to write fiction using this premise. omg' but then I got too caught up in the film. Seriously, the setup/premise was so good I really wanted to create my own extractor team and write RP or fic of it @_@
Thanks to everyone who commented on my last post (it's interesting to see some of you still skim over my fangirling to sift out the subjects that are more interesting). I'm sorry I haven't gotten around to replying to the individual comments but I found it really interesting to hear everyone's opinions on the subject of online personas and anonymity! There were a few different views and they were all intriguing, so thanks so much for taking the time to comment :3