!! NEW !! Daily Johnny's Post [Pictures]

Jan 26, 2011 12:38

So... from today on I want to post everyday a picture of Johnny's.. absolutely random, from Aiba to... Nagase, whatever I find on my computer XD I hope you like something like this oo

So I would like to start with Ryo-chan since he's my 'true' love.. my... well.. not my first love.. but up till now my biggest love... unfortunatelly I don't have much pictures of him right now bc my computer broke down... and before that happened I lost two external hard disk drives with a lot of Tegoshi and Ryo-pictures.. I wonder when Tacchon will break down with all his Aiba pictures on it... but well.. there aren't enough now to break down since it should hurt me really bad... I just feel this way whenever something like this happens XDDD
But well..

I hope you like it.. I TRULY love this picture since I love dogs and.. (sorry XD) he looks like a puppy right on this one... have a nice day and perhaps there's today another entry with my fanfiction.. btw to the 'old' readers.. did you see that I managed to get a lj-cut? It took me a long time so be proud of me XDDDDD

w: picture, c: nishikido ryo, w: daily, w: random

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