Title: Second Chance
joatexPairing: Ryoda
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance
Warning: None
Disclaimer: No.... the boys aren't mine, sad.... but true (T^T)
Summary: When your universe comes crashing down, who do you blame? And more importantly, how do you pick up the pieces?
A/N: Enjoy. (n_n)
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Title: Come Back to Me
joatexPairing: Ryoda
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance
Warning: None
Disclaimer: No.... the boys aren't mine, sad.... but true (T^T)
Summary: Sequel to
Second Chance. Memory is fallible, but that doesn't stop the soul from yearning what it lost. And just how easy is it to get it back?
A/N: Enjoy. (n_n)
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