Fic Irony : Chapter 5b

Apr 30, 2008 02:47

Title: Irony
Fandom: KAT-TUN/NEWS/Kanjani8
Pairing: From RyoDa <3 to RyoDa Rating: PG-13 (for language), this chapter has awfully written kissing. :D
Warning: Attempted Angst and Fluff.
Disclaimer: I OWN THEM!... in my dreams. Boohoo...
Summary: Ueda gave Ryo his all, and yet it turned out to be painful. But then again...
Chapter Summary: (Continuation) KAT-TUN had a sleepover at Ueda's luxurious apartment. It was supposed to only be just them, but then Jin invited other people.
A/N: I'm so sorry if this took so long. My mood and ideas were drained down the toilet when I read the post (if you all know what I'm talking about, that is).

Prologue / Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5a

( Ne Tat-chan, what did Ryo-chan do to you last night? )

rating: pg-13, length: multi-chapter, genre: angst, genre: fluff, !fiction

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