[ENG SUB] Kisumai Moshimo Series Episode 1

Aug 29, 2020 14:44

Hello! I subbed this Moshimo Series ("what if?" series)  that was included on the DVD footage of the Kimi Wo Daisuki Da single.

The theme is "what if we turned back in time and were in the same highschool class together".

As they talk about Japanese highschools and assign "comittee roles", i figured it would be better of me to give some explanations here just in case any of the names are new to you. (I had to name them what i thought was appropriate because we don't have such roles in english schools)

There are various comittees, such as a festival comittee, cleaning comittee etc and in Japan they pick one person from every class to be part of the comittee. They do this through election.

Some are more straightforward but i'll explain the ones that are less so.

Class president - the student that takes responsibility in sorting out the class.

Festival comittee member - the student that helps prepare for festivals and various other school arts events.

Broadcasting comittee member - basically in charge of the radios or whatever they chose to "broadcast" to the students during their lunchbreak.

Student council - in charge of calling out students that have incorrect uniform, etc to make sure they're following the school rules and report back to the teacher. (my mother described this one as the "teacher's dog" lol)

Anyways, if you have any other questions or i haven't explained something well enough then i'm willing to explain more!

download here


enjoy! (sorry for the awkward typesetting, i struggled because the japanese words are large and colourful)


!!kis-my-ft2, !!tvshow, !!englishsub

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