what can I say? This boy man is amazing <3
though I haven't been a fan of kanjani8 for very long, nor have I seen alot of their shows (must catch up one day!) Yoko is one of the big reasons why I was drawn into k8 so fast :D
He's hilarious, weird, loves his membahs, an adorkable gaming nerd, a SHY BOY (*still loling that janiben episode*), great actor, writes sweet lyrics & well, just made of sheer awesometastic win-- a true genuine person :)
btw, why is Yoko known as Peter pan? If comeone could tell me that'd be great :D ah i see thanks guys :)
also, i HATE the books 'To the lighthouse' & 'As I lay dying of boredom' & 'Scarlet letter'
I know I know they're classics, but i haven't been able to get into them/understand it. All of them felt like acid being poured over my eyes & then being set on fire >_< & not havign read them compeletely is slapping me in the face now that I have an exam to write an essay on them monday -_-;; Maybe if a character was named Yoko i'd probably read the whole thing but no. hmph.