well todays the last day of my break n i decide to end it off with a picspam of ryo way back with his CHERISH HAIR!
well id o love ryos hair always..cept mayeb his lion mane days BUT CHERISH HAIR ryo is what made me totally fall for him!
i actually dotn hav many pics of this..its kind ahard sicne i wasnt a fan back then n i totally missed all the mags arodunt hat time..so here's my colelction!
nothing nobody hasnt seen but its GLORIUOS reseeing them again..right? XDD
*--* *fansself* WHOO JUST YUM =9
awwwww ive always just loved this pic! he doesnt even look jap to me here >_>
no im nto gonan bother cutting out ppl too lazy b/c i love them all ^^ besides its RYOPI *inner squeal*
yea..ryochis cute too
this is the period where i seriuosly though ryo was better lookgint han pi in all ways xD i liek pretty pi a lot but err ryo was HOT
iunno if thsi is cherish days but err he certainyl looks veyr yougn n cuute!
i dotn have scan for this (anyone has it?) BUT ISNT SHY GIRLY RYO JUST MADE OF WIN? ;D (i must be killign ppls eyes with these colours >_<)
this counts right? *blinks*
ryo..pls have that hair again! m(_ _)m member ai! <3 well massu looks like he wants to be with tego..uchi just loosk uncomfy..SHIGE GO BAck TO LOOKIGN AT KEI..ryo didnt liek u back then XD *bricked*
i got thsi pic with uchi cut out..btuback then i seriuosly onyl noticed ryo...n pi's ARMS JUST SCARES THE LIFE OUT OF ME -_-;; ahh the changes *--*
ill resist from havign pervy thoughts *chants to herself*
RYO + GUITAR = girl distracted from studying >_< actually no JUST RYO is distractign enough ^^;;
oh how i hate shiges hair there *shot by shige fans* ryo makes up for it
strangely..massu reminds me of soem reptile with spikes under its throat O__O wth lol XD
i want ..his necklace so bad i want him><
BWHAHAH lolz wha?
HOLY CRUD RYOS MOUTH stretches so wide it never ceases to amaze me O_O but isnt it just so ADORKABLE <33
am i the only oen that thinsk thsi pic he doesn tlook jap? its wonderful nontheless *stareyed*
green n blue goes so well with ryo..ew my comments r getting lamer >_>
nto really cheirsh but i feelign liek eatign ryo here O.o
oooooooooooo i feel like playignw ith hsi hair..why doens tnayoen in my famiyl have logn hair?!!? but noo mom decided she wanted super short hair afro insteadU_U
yes ryo..good..just hand that gift to me now >=]
*piches him* he looks liek such a lil boy that got a toy..or watever it is in his hands..
HE'S LOOKIGN AT ME! =Doo i see wrinkles xD
no ryo..his face is not the camera -_-;;
he looks...so SOFT =3
it doesnt even look liek ryo..but how i lov hsi jawline *points at tiny picture top*
ryos cherish hair + ryopi = happy fangirl . period. <3
KYAAAA so freakignc ute <333 but errm what ryos wearing is VERY interesting..who knwos what he's been doign with pi..no wonder he looks so happy *pervy thoughts* XD
thsi si totally turnign into a ryopi thing isnt it? >_< but ryochan looks so niceint he top rigth pic...AHH HIS JAW LINE HIS JAW LINE! *FIANTS*
his hair looks..real smooth n sily..*is jealous* >=O
it isnt my fault pi's with ryo so much *excuse* *giggle* ryo looks so short XD aww i want him to wear baggy jeans again!
kei's duck butt hair makes me lol XDDDDDD someoen loves shige? *GASP* massu..ryo clearly doesnt want u on his lap..its reserved for pi well cant see ryso hair but tis from cherish days >_>
i think thats the end of my picspam!..huh i thought i had more guess not =S
that took onyl forever..
i nwo officially hav a lot mro respect to thsoe that make awesome picspams!
if anyoen bothered with seeignt he entrie entry I LOVE U! &heart; ♥ &heart; ♥
n i realise my spelling is PURE CRUD >_<
n to end off i just havta put this pic
*glomp attack* =3